I am a newbie as they say to the blogging world and I do hope that I achieve my purpose of sharing information with you through my writing. I intend to begin by writing about my experiences and knowledge in all aspects of life including health and wellbeing that I have personally experienced or that which I have witnessed firsthand by communicating with people on a personal level.
So why do I feel the need to Blog?
Believe it or not, I have never really thought about writing a blog and have always thought I was not good enough to be able to share my information with the world. It comes from that feeling of not being good enough. Not really sure what people might think of you and so you think it’s probably best just to remain quiet in the background just in case what you have to say or share with others is wrong. I am sure I’m not the first person to ever feel like this! But believe it or not, I have had this nagging feeling for quite some time now to write like it is something important that I’m here to do within this lifetime. So after many months of procrastinating and trying to find excuses not to write here, I am…..
It is not my intention to prove what I say is right or wrong. That is not the reason for this blog. I do believe that there are many people who will share my views but also many others that will not. It is not for me to convince anyone what they think or how they should live their life. I will say that it has taken me a very long time to start to free myself from all the conditioning, patterns and beliefs systems I have inherited since I was a child. I can honestly say that I don’t think the process will ever end as we are constantly being subjected to outside influences every day which we are not always consciously aware of. I do hope by sharing my knowledge and experiences with you, will help you on your journey and provide you with the support and guidance you may be seeking at this time or whenever you read this.
So as you might now realise I am also on a journey of self-discovery which can be a very lonely road at times.