Hello, welcome to CrystalAura blog.
The Journey called life…
I don’t know about you but it has taken me quite some time to actually get to grips with the idea that life is just one never-ending journey with many ups and downs along the way. Always wondering why am I here and what is the point of all this anyway? This feeling of being stuck in the rat race trying to break free, wanting to reach the finish line as if there is some goal to achieve or prize to collect at the end. Never really knowing if this is indeed true or just something we tell our self to keep going. Forever pushing forward not even stopping or paying attention to what is actually happening at this moment in time because somewhere deep down inside I have to believe the good stuff is coming soon and then I can have this amazing life that I keep dreaming about which everyone tells me is possible. So my question to you is which fairytale do you believe? Cinderella…? Snow white…?
The beginning of the journey…
At the beginning of this great journey of life as a child, I was able to explore life and gain so much knowledge as I experienced things firsthand blindly believing that everything is true and never doubting, only asking question after question, following my curiosity about all things which happened to gain my attention. Storing everything I learned deep in my mind and belief system. I never really did understand why bad things happened or why things seemed so unfair while everyone else always seemed happy in life and appeared to have a better life than me or so I thought. Maybe one day I will be like them or better if I work hard and do everything right like I’m told… so I will try…
Time passes so quickly…
I have noticed time passes ever so quickly on this journey….minutes turn into hours, into days, weeks, months, years and before I knew it I had experienced so much in my life, I would often think to myself, everything I choose seems so right for me. It’s like everything in my life seems to unfold into the next chapter, flowing naturally from one stage to the next… I say flowing naturally as if everything is gentle but there are moments when lightning seems to strike and I’m riding the biggest wave of my life not knowing where it will end…. or where I will find myself…I hear a little voice saying “okay stop this now…I don’t like it…I want to get off”. I realize that the voice I am hearing is that part of me within trying to get my attention….the part of me that started on this journey with me in the beginning…..
The wakeup call…
The wakeup call I obviously needed to slow down and pay attention to the journey…put the brakes on….get off the motorway….I believe I found my slip road which leads me onto the scenic route…I wonder how much more I will see now that I have slowed down? I wonder what I will experience next or whom I might meet on this journey called life? Maybe it will be you…