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Does your logical mind appear broken?

Are you confused?

Funny, how we always believe our most logical thoughts lead us forward on our path to the right place, right time or right thing we need in our life. We never question this as it has always served us well until now. We trust it … we see it…it is right! …BUT… Now you may be finding that this doesn’t appear to work in the way it did before…”There’s something wrong” you might say! What’s happening? Things are going wrong…I followed all the rules and did everything I am supposed to do but it doesn’t work anymore. What’s happening? The more you try to fix it or try to review things the worse it seems to get… “I don’t understand,” you say and maybe seek help or advice from others…sometimes this proves helpful for a short time but eventually you find that all aspects of your life seem to be changing and feel out of control. Your logic mind doesn’t work the way it should, so what now? Where do I go from here?


Feeling Stuck?

When do we accept that our life is not working the way it is supposed to?

You probably start by asking your most trusted friends and family members first if they have experienced anything like this and how did they fix it? This is okay in the beginning, but eventually, you will probably find that many of them will eventually look at you strangely and think you are having a moment… a mini-crisis…a melt down…or whatever you wish to call it. They don’t GET YOU! Any more…You’ve changed…You don’t fit in with them which may make you feel lost.

Maybe…it isn’t you that is having “a moment” but someone close to you and you feel stuck in the middle…”how do I help them?” you say. What do I do? Everything I have tried doesn’t fix it…I don’t know what to do! I don’t like this! I want everything to go back to normal!

You may also find that you withdraw from everyone and say nothing…you smile and carry on with your life pretending to the outside world that everything is fine, while inside your screaming out for help…putting on a brave face, hoping your mask doesn’t slip.

At what point do we own up to our truth?

All of this is okay for a while but eventually, you will find your outside world comes crashing down around you and shakes you to your core…this you cannot ignore…anymore. It’s time to face your truth. It’s time to ask “what is really happening?” It’s time to own up to your own truth.

What will people think about me?

You will feel the fear as you imagine how people will react to you. You may feel really uncomfortable with the thoughts that now come to the surface as you start to imagine the reaction of the outside world judging you. Your mind becomes full of thoughts which seem to spiral out of control. You may even question your sanity… as you now know and become to realise you are not the same person you thought you were and now people are actually telling you this. You imagine the worst and possibly feel isolated, alone or trapped. How do I get people to like me again? How do I gain acceptance from everyone? I want to fit in with everyone and feel part of everything again…

These are only fears…they aren’t real…once you recognise this you will find the chatter in your head will eventually become quiet. This is just your ego.

Why do people treat me like this?

You begin to question how people react towards you.

Why are people so cruel?

Why do they hurt me like this?

Why have they changed their behaviour towards me? …and it continues…

You may protest your innocence at this point and say “I have done nothing wrong!” You may try to plead with them hoping they will accept you…BUT THEY DON’T…Finally, the doors close and you feel all alone.

Congratulations…you have now realised that you cannot fix you from the outside…

The solution you seek can only be found within…