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Stepping through the door!

How many times have you wondered about the real purpose of your life?

Have you ever noticed something seems to call you from deep within?

We all probably experience this at some point in our existence…opening that door! You know the one…it calls out to you quietly every now and then…you know it’s there and you say to yourself “one day I might just go and see…” curiously wondering what will I find?

It may be just a quick peek at first until you gain the courage to investigate a little further. The only problem is though, that if you continue to do this then eventually you find that the door never seems to shut properly ever again! There seems to be a little crack appearing which you can just about see through… drawing your attention to it, calling out to you to take a step closer. Being as inquisitive as you are you decide to explore a little further becoming more and more intrigued at what you discover. Finding that life has much more to offer you than you could ever imagine, inviting you to step into the next room.

If only you could be brave enough to explore…

The Choice…

At this point, it still appears you have a choice and you probably do. Don’t you? Maybe you can choose to stay where you are and pretend you didn’t see anything. Forgetting this ever happened while trying to continue with your current life, accepting that this is all I know and it feels safe…you try reasoning with yourself.

“Maybe my life is a little stagnant at times but then life is supposed to be this way”

“I don’t get to choose what I want to do!”

“I have to just get on, as best as I can”

“It doesn’t get better for people like me!”

“I should be grateful for what I have…at least I’m better off than most…”

Does any of this sound familiar to you? Ring any bells?

Now what you ask?

This is the choice many of you are facing at this time. Stay with the familiar life you know OR feel the fear and venture off any way through the door …into the new…into that room which calls you…

The only problem is you don’t get given a guidebook or a set of instructions if and when you choose to step through the door. Once you make that choice there is no going back! You cross the point of no return… The only thing to do now is to find your way through the darkness… it’s a one-way ticket…a journey of a lifetime…but somewhere deep down you feel it will all be worthwhile…as you take that first step inside…

TRUST in you…Keep the faith…

It’s a personal experience from this point…

You become your own guide…trusting the process as all obstacles and challenges are confronted head-on whether you are prepared or not. It can be the most amazing experience or your worst nightmare! This is all down to you, your beliefs and how deeply ingrained your previous conditioning and patterns are from your life experiences…

Onwards and upwards as they say!

Remain positive and accept all the help you can…You are never alone…Ask and it is given…

You may find as you are making your way through the darkness help and assistance may seem to appear out of nowhere along the way. You may even find that after a while you can assist others as you join together in sharing your knowledge and experiences you have discovered so far…and the journey continues…

Always rememberIf in doubt, surrender to the process…Remain positive and know better is yet to come.

Finally, you are searching for the truth within…Your biggest question of all…Who am I?