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Channelled information received in April 2014 – Excerpts from “The New Earth” series.

Channelling – New Age Children – Part 2

Some are here to bring in the new children of earth and to help them grow up in this hostile environment protecting them from harm and teaching them to be positive no matter what. They need this guidance and protection to preserve their own unique programming which has been selected by them before entering earth in their current chosen path to assist the planet. If they manage to get through the first stages of their lives without too much conditioning from their peers and remain positive with an open mind then they will venture on to further assist the planet during the next phase which will follow the completion of the new energy fully accelerated into the next dimension.

There will be some whom will remain asleep as it were, to the purpose of their reincarnation, unfortunately there will be the many whom will be treated for the many labels which have been given to the children who do not conform with society and they will be medicated which will have a great impact on their life and they will forget who they truly are. This is a very sad time to observe the children being forced into taking medication against their will. They believe that this will make them better and be accepted by their friends and family. They do not understand why they are different. They just want to be like everyone else. The want to be accepted by all and know that true sense of belonging means something to them. They do not understand why people tell them that they are different and they are not like others. They look the same as everyone else and they like the same things so why is this difficult and why do people cast them out and make fun of them.

Many children already know who are being honest and genuine towards them and they will speak their truth to all without exception. They do not feel the need to hide their true feelings and will often just express what they are actually feeling and thinking without first processing the information. It just comes out naturally as they think it. This is not acceptable to many as this is said to be disrespectful and rude. The children do not know why this is so as they only know to be honest until taught differently by their peers. They only change their behaviour and beliefs when they are challenged and constantly reminded that their conduct is not acceptable within this society. This puts the children into confusion and they struggle to understand what is actually accepted and what must never be spoken of in future. Children do not get taught about emotions and how to accept their feelings and deal with them as they arise. Children will display their emotions as and when they experience them regardless of where they are and what they may be doing. This is considered inappropriate to their peers and at times they are told that they have to contain their emotions and keep them bottled up inside. This is the start of the conditioning process many children are still living in and this is why many children are having difficulties with their emotions as they are becoming entangled together and stored deep within to be released later in their life when they can no longer keep their emotions hidden away. When the children finally allow their emotions to surface they are not even sure why they are experiencing these feelings and more confusion sets in leaving them thinking that they must be different to everyone else and that is why nobody wants to be around them.

Children are only mirroring back to us our own beliefs after all as we are the ones whom are teaching them. This is why so many parents struggle with their children as they are being shown how they truly are by the children following their own patterns and behaviours. Then when the children are rebuked for their behaviour they are confused as they are only doing what they have been taught and shown to do by you yourself. This must be a time when you reflect what has actually taken place as if you do not like what you see then you are being shown your own behaviour and the only way to correct it is by changing yourself not the child. After all if you tell the children that they are wrong to do what you do then how do you expect them to teach their children? They will obviously teach them the same which is why society has become dysfunctional as no one takes responsibility for their own actions and tries to say it is because of someone else. The correct way forward is to actually acknowledge that you may do or say something which you do not like but then have the courage to admit this to yourself and change it instead of burying your head in the sand and pretending that everything is actually okay.

The children that are coming to earth now at this time have already been programmed with this higher vibrational energy which is why there seems to be an increasing difficulty in understanding children’s behaviour and characteristics they are displaying. They are having issues with adjusting to the lower vibrations as they are incarnating on earth as they are naturally programmed to function at the higher vibration. They are already functioning at the new vibrational energy and have no awareness or experience of operating at the lower vibrational energies we are all accustomed to, so they appear to be out of control when they are actually struggling to cope with the two different frequencies of energy they are experiencing. Likewise many of you are not aware of the new energies or the transition currently taking place on earth. People are not able to comprehend that this is the ultimate reason for so many problems and disruption on earth. Knowing that there are many concerns within society and having very limited support and few solutions available to assist many wanting help and guidance. Feeling confused and frustrated with the world and not knowing how to implement the changes needed to improve your existence.

Children are finding this the most difficult, to come here at this time on earth as they have already been programmed with the higher frequency which is not responding well in some. This is known by many as ADHD and various other labels currently being given to children whom are dysfunctional and disruptive. There are many reasons for the labels being given to the many children at this time and it is suggested that they have many issues and do not comply with the rules and regulations of society already in force on earth. These children are innocent beings brought into a world that has many failing structures and they are told that they must obey the rules and have respect for their elders but they do not understand as they only see the structures which are dysfunctional and cannot comprehend why we follow these rules when they already know in fact you can have whatever you choose and have complete freedom to have all that you desire if only you just choose your thoughts then make your desires known. They also have difficulty accepting other people’s reality when they know that the other people’s reality lacks truth and integrity.

The children will bring forth more new skills and will be able to help stabilize and assist the majority of people’s progress forward into the new energy by just being in the now, acting as a beacon and shining their love and light for all to observe. You will automatically be drawn to these new children and want to spend time in their presence engaging in their life without even realising that you are indeed being aligned with their energy while you do so. Many will seem like royalty and will walk with a positive manor with a real sense of just knowing who they really are and what they represent within this society. They will not accept the out dated structures and will want to propose new ways of thinking and show a more advanced intelligence than what would be considered normal among the majority of children of previous generations. The children will seem very reluctant to participate in things which do not serve a purpose or have any relevance to their learning skills for their future. They will also become bored very quickly with what to them are very mundane tasks and will appear to lose concentration very quickly and will find alternative activities to occupy their minds with or to entertain themselves as they find it difficult at times to remain grounded and remain present in their bodies. They do not understand their emotions that they feel at times and will appear confused or withdrawn as they will not realise that they are like sponges and are soaking up all energies within their personal space. They will sometimes feel various different emotions which will not seem to fit the moment or justify their physical reactions they may be displaying. They will quickly react to the situation they are in whether it is a playful and fun situation or a more serious one but not always displaying the accepted behaviour to match the situation. Children will mostly react in the moment and not contain their emotions like an adult as they have not been shown how to do this and until they have their own understanding about their feelings they will struggle within society. This leads to the already dysfunctional people in today’s society who have already been allowed to grow up in a different society without receiving guidance and boundaries to help them to cope with the growing demands on them and their families. The cycle continues to repeat but unfortunately as it does so it seems as though society has deteriorated in many ways and what was once acceptable and deemed a loving honest and respectful society has changed beyond recognition to the older generation and many are now living in fear and anger as the world continues to change and evolve beyond their belief system which they developed during their own childhood. The generations are moving forward and changing so dramatically for them that many have chosen to withdraw from this world creating illness as a way to escape this life rather than to be present in what they believe to be a cruel world.

The children who have chosen to come back at this time are aware of the future and have been given the opportunity to help if they so chose. They are here to support and teach people about the new energy and will have many skills and abilities which may seem to be gifts or talents which people have not witnessed before. In time more and more children will be born and they will have further abilities not yet witnessed by human beings in this life time. This will be a little alarming to some and they will not truly comprehend the significance for these abilities but they are to help with the new earth and the rebuilding of the broken and worn out structures which will need to be replaced. New technology will be introduced and available to all regardless of your status. People in the future will be treated with the same equality and there will be resources available to all. Finance will be balanced and distributed fairly among the people and there will be no need for large organisations to take complete control over the world. The government will have no option but to allow the people to decide what they want and how the world will be supported allowing each and every person more rights and freedom. People will live in harmony and there will be no threats or fear in the future as we will all have the ability to know the truth of all things and no longer be controlled by another. We will have choice to do what we will and we will understand the full consequences of our actions. There will still be the minority who will endeavour to corrupt the earth and try to take control if they believe they have the opportunity to do so but this will have no effect like it has in the past and will only reveal to themselves that their efforts will be wasted energy and preventing them from actually progressing on their own spiritual path.

Communities will work together in the future and there will be much love and understanding between all. You will recognise that each individual has their own unique gifts and talents which they will share amongst their friends and families and any who need help and support. There are many new interests and hobbies which will take precedence over the mundane tasks people of today’s society seem to be working towards in their current lives now and you will gain a greater understanding of living and being human, having the human experience with all the emotions and physical sensations your body is designed to feel but on a much deeper level than you are capable of experiencing now. You will be able to tune into all other people telepathically on the same level as yourself and have a greater understanding of their thoughts and feelings helping you to maintain a deeper connection with them and allowing compassion for them and a true understanding of their own journey on their spiritual path.

One-to-One sessions are available; if you would like further support or guidance please get in touch via Facebook or crystalauratherapies.co.uk.