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I have been channelling information from my guides since 2008. I have never shared any of the information I have channelled with anyone before today. I did not have the confidence to step out and speak about the information I was receiving, but over the years I have realised the importance of eventually sharing this information with those of you that wish to receive it. I have known this for some time and have been avoiding starting this part of my work due to my own fears and lack of confidence. I do believe it is now time for me to share some of the information I previously channelled as it may be relevant to some of you now.

This information was channelled in October 2013. I have corrected the spelling but I have not changed any of the wording or content which is written. It is exactly how I received it at the time.

1st October 2013

The new age children

The energy of the new children who are now being born into this time are very much more advanced spiritually and have very little karma. They are here to make the necessary changes to the way society has continued to develop into a much needy and selfish society wanting material gain more than the experiences of life itself.

Society needs to change and the children are here to teach a new way to all who wish to choose this new beginning. The old patterns will be replaced during the next few earth years and the changes will gradually take effect.

Many are already accepting the new energy that is now being introduced and welcome the positive changes this will have on society as a whole. There are many already making changes for the good of all mankind.

Some of the outdated policies and procedures need to be changed to come into line with the new way the world has developed over the past century and all will be changed whether it is accepted or not as this will be an unstoppable force. Things will improve in all areas of the lives we live and old worn out structures will eventually evolve at the request of the new age children. These children are here to teach the new ways and to show that the old structures are no longer desirable and indeed do not work. Many children have been given labels and have been told that they are different and will not fit into today’s society unless they change but in reality, the children are here to make a difference to society and it is really the old patterns that must change. The main reason for this change is not yet known by many and it will take a great effort to eventually make the changes necessary to move the planet forward. This is where this information is of great value now to many and by working together we can make the changes for everyone. People are finally now being informed of many new changes which are taking place to the shift in energy.  Many already have the new energy and are being way showers for the many who are still asleep. Each person who has come to this planet now and has incarnated into this time has been given the opportunity to help with this massive shift of energy.

I have been requested to write for the benefit of giving all whom now wish for this information be given the opportunity to work with the new energy. There are many who have transitioned into this new energy to help the children now being introduced to this world. They will unite together and move the planet forward. All out dated systems will be changed or they will fall by the wayside as this new energy has no need for the systems which do not work in this new age. Technology will continue to develop and move forward but some of the technology will be disregarded as times will evolve and adapt to new ways which will assist the planet in more ways than will seem possible.

The planet is in a time of confusion and many do not understand the changes which will soon be taking effect. Many are very resistant to the changes and have no wish or desire to change. They believe that society has gone mad in some weird way while others believe this all makes sense and are fully aware of the changes needed to take place in order to save the planet. Many have worked hard during their lives and are now seeing massive changes to everything. The planet has speeded up and they no longer feel in control. They are only concentrating on what is familiar to them and continue to compare the here and now with their own past patterns and beliefs. They do not understand why things have changed so much and see the children of our society now lazy and not prepared to work hard for the things they wish to have in their lives. People do not like the fact that it has taken them so long to get this far in their own lives only to watch the younger generation complete things in less than half the time it took them. They question how this is so but do not take the time to understand as many wish to continue with their own journey.

Children do not understand what has gone on before their arrival and can only try to fit into the society as they see it now. They have no idea of the ways of the older generation and this seems to have been forgotten. It now appears like two separate worlds trying to live together, the old and the new. Eventually the new will become the old and things will continue to move forward. The question many people ask is what will the next generation bring to the world. How will today’s children cope and teach their children in turn?

Everyone has their own belief system and are only able to accept what it is they understand and know to be their own truth or reality. They do not understand why some seem to be more gifted than others or why some are more skilled. Few even question why they have been born and have to experience the pain and suffering every day. This is the school of life and we are here to learn. Many have forgotten this when they were incarnated into this life they live. Many struggle with life and will remain asleep until it is their time to depart from this world. There are however more and more of us now awakening to this new energy and becoming aware that there is more actually going on than we were first led to believe. For many who have now awakened it is now time to become beacons of light and be way-showers for the many who are still sleeping in the hope that enough will wake and help to move the planet forward. The old ways are failing and it is now time to challenge these ways. Life is a very precious gift and it is important to acknowledge that no other planet can offer this experience to you. It is in the interests of all mankind to change the ways of society and bring in a new brighter future for all to share. Eventually, things will change and you will wake up and remember your purpose here on earth and help the world to unite together and move forward to become one.

One-to-One sessions are available; if you would like further support or guidance please get in touch via Facebook or crystalauratherapies.co.uk.