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This is the first part in “The New Earth” series of channelled information which I received in April 2014.


The New Earth – Channelled Information Part 1

This information which has been channelled has been given in order to help you to understand the many challenges and events which are happening now. Much information is being produced now regarding the many different energies and vibrational shifts we are now experiencing in our lifetime and many people are reporting on very difficult situations they are encountering in their personal lives. It has been noted also that many children are now having much more difficulties with everyday living and are finding it extremely difficult to function in this struggling environment which seems to be deteriorating all around us. This information will hopefully help you to gain an understanding of the current situations you are personally experiencing in your lives at this time and offer support and guidance which will hopefully help you to understand what indeed is actually happening to you on a personal level as so many people are unaware of the spiritual shift which is happening right now on earth and which will continue for some time into the future.

This is a very positive time for all here on earth during these changes which are bringing in the new earth energies many are feeling ungrounded and confused. All of your current experiences seem to be very intense and emotionally draining pushing you to your limit. You feel that life is really difficult and just when you seem like things have eased a little and you have made progress you then receive an even bigger challenge than the previous one. Many of you are being given the option to clear past karma in rapid time which is having a major impact on your emotional wellbeing. We are all here to learn about our spiritual aspect and progress to the highest level possible in this life time. We are all on our own pathway and will progress at our own pace but we will achieve this much easier if we have the information and guidance to assist us in our journey. This is why this information has been written so that if you choose to understand the spiritual concept of your life and accept where you are in your life at this time then you will find this transition much easier to follow. This information is not about religion and it will not give you the answers to all your everyday issues or problems you have in your life. It will not provide the answer to every question you may have but it will hopefully give you an understanding of your life and the spiritual progress which many have the choice to make at this time faster than ever before moving into the new earth energies which are being created regardless.

It is our hope that you are able to understand your current situation which is playing out in your life at this time. By using this guidance you will hopefully help to identify where you may be on your spiritual journey at this time. Everybody’s journey will be different to them and have their own unique imprint but you will be able to assess your current circumstances and find your own way forward. This information is intended to help all people regardless of their age, race, religion, gender or sexuality as the whole purpose and intention is to enlighten you of what is happening on earth at this time and help with your own transition by assisting you in adapting into the new energies which are currently evolving on earth. The final point which should also be made is that many will not recognise that the energies are changing and they are not spiritually aware at this time. They have not even begun to realise the changes which are happening to them in their lives are related to this transition and think this is just a normal part of their own reality. It is important to remember that each individual will reach their own awakening when they are ready and that the vibrations will continue to increase regardless. The more people whom become aware and increase their vibrations will automatically help to raise the vibrations of others whom they come into contact with so eventually the shift into the new earth will be an unstoppable change until it reaches the next dimension.

By transitioning into the new energy and allowing the higher level of conscious awareness which will benefit you greatly in the new earth will also help to change the current conditioning and fear based control many of you are accepting in your current life.

Everyone on earth at this moment has been through life changing experiences since they have been born and they have developed at their own pace during their lives up until now but it has become necessary to increase awareness on earth now and raise the vibrations so that people will be able to cope with this new energy. We could go into much detail about what energy is and how it works but that is more of a scientific explanation and for the purpose of this current information we aim to keep this description brief. We only wish to provide you with information about your own personal development and how you can help to assist your own progress in raising your vibrations in line with the earth. It will be a slow gradual process and at times will appear that there is not actually anything happening but we want to assure you that everyone here on earth will be adapting to the new energies at the pace which is right for them. Some unfortunately will try to resist the changes and this is due to their own belief system and early conditioning they were subjected to in their childhood.

There is actually various different levels of energies present at this time which will probably be noticeable to the people whom have already progressed further on their own spiritual path to enlightenment. Of course there are some of you whom will be feeling different and not really understanding why and then there are the other effects which have been causing difficulty to people in the form of their food. This is all energy after all and only when you are vibrating at a different frequency then you will not be in alignment with the food you are trying to consume. Hence the problems with food allergies and intolerances which many people are being diagnosed with. Children are being born unable to tolerate the foods and chemicals we have been exposed to over the years which is also another critical sign of the changes in their energy they are being born with compared to the energies of our bodies already accustomed here on earth and overloaded with toxins and chemicals.

Just imagine many years from now how the world may be when all the people have transformed their vibrations into the next level and how much more united we will become. This is not too far now to actually become a reality and many people have been selected to come here at this most opportune time to be included in bringing the earth forward into alignment ever evolving into the new possibilities we will have and the experiences which will be available to all but with a new understanding and more knowledge of the process which we are experiencing here on earth. This is the only place we are able to learn in the human form which is why it is so important that we understand that if the world continues on the path of destruction then mankind will no longer exist here and that will be a huge loss as it has taken such effort by many to produce such a unique planet to obtain much knowledge and understanding of the human emotions and the physical joy we each have the pleasure of having during our life on earth. We are here to obtain spiritual growth which will enlighten us on our journey and we can come here for many lives to repeat many lessons and to hopefully progress on our path. There are many who do not really learn their lessons and will continue to recreate their drama’s time and time again but there are also many whom do actually gain much insight and do learn from their experiences as they live their lives. The whole process has become much quicker over the last century and people are now being given the opportunity to progress more quickly than ever before. This is why it is important to allow the path of least resistance take effect and let your human body transition naturally into the new energy allowing yourself to increase your vibrations which will match that of the earth in the near future.

There is of course some who will not wish to continue into the new energy either by choice or refusal to cooperate with what is actually transforming at this time. There are people here on earth that does not want the people to progress as this will remove control they currently possess from the many who are not awakened at this time and it will expose these people who have exploited their power for their own personal gains. These people have tried to take advantage of their own personal power and use it against the many that have not yet awakened to this new energy but this is now going to change. Proving that there is a higher energy capable of preventing this corruption just by giving the people the option to transition into the new energy will continue to breakdown these old worn out beliefs and conditioning which have controlled people mainly by living in a fear based reality which cannot be sustained in this higher vibration. All that no longer serve for the good of all and mankind will be disregarded and will fail to exist when we have fully transferred into the new vibration completely if they do not accept the changes. Anyone that does not wish to live in this new energy will be allowed to leave. There are no judgements or consequences for those who do not continue to move forward at this time, they will simply return to source and evaluate what they have learnt during their life before given the opportunity to return to the new energy once it has fully transformed into the new earth.

Part 2 coming soon.


If you would like further assistance or guidance with your own personal journey then please contact me via Facebook or crystalauratherapies.co.uk.