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Synchronicities (Signs)…

Many of you are probably already aware of synchronicities, especially if you have already started the awakening process, but for those of you that don’t, I thought I would share some of my personal experiences of synchronicities and how they first started to give me guidance in my life.

So what are Synchronicities?

Firstly though, it is important to know what they are as this will give you some idea of what to look out for as you go about your day. They can be signs, symbols, pictures or sounds you see or hear which seem to make an impression on you, especially when they are repeated at different times, places or situations within your life. At first, you may just notice random things popping up that stick out to you or get your attention. Most people call these coincidences. Most people tend not to pay much attention to them and dismiss them as soon as they appear. Not thinking anything more about them.

Pay Attention…

If you do begin to pay attention though, then they will show up more and more. They are part of your internal guidance system playing out in the physical world. The more you pay attention, the more they will continue.

Some synchronicities can be a part of your internal guidance. These are usually things like songs playing out in your head. Words that seem to pop into your mind randomly, that are not related to your current thoughts.

Have you ever heard people talk about seeing signs?

I never really understood what people meant when they talked about seeing signs. I didn’t know what they were talking about. I realised though that I had actually been experiencing synchronicities but not actually knowing what they were called.

For me my first experiences I remember started out back on my beginning stages of awakening. I remember seeing the word meditation everywhere… it repeatedly appeared to me in various ways, news articles…television…books…magazines…and I even recall hearing it in conversation when talking to people…

I remember being told that if I wanted validation about something then if I received outside validation via three different sources then it was usually a sign and confirmation telling me it is the right thing for me to do…

I remember also at times that I didn’t always understand the synchronicities I was receiving as they sometimes came in a way that needed to be interpreted by my own internal guidance system. Symbols are used very often as signs and we need to be able to decipher them to gain the insight from them. This takes practice so don’t worry if you do not understand these straight away… It took me quite some time to work these out…frustrating at times as they continued to appear more and more until I worked it out. You will find when you have understood the message then it will not repeat anymore. This is a sure way to know you have received the information and understood the message it was giving you.

Do you hear songs?

I hear songs in my head… they can play out at various times. I don’t tend to get the same song unless it is related to a certain situation or person. Sometimes they may just be random songs but what is important about them are the actual words or the song itself as they are trying to convey a message to you about a certain issue or problem you may have or as confirmation about a certain situation or person you are enquiring about.

Some songs do repeat again to me at the strangest of times. I can wake up during the night and have a song playing out in my head. It has driven me mad at times as I know the song but not all of the words…the only way to get it to stop sometimes is to search for the song on the internet…listen to it…work out the meaning…then acknowledge the message…


There are many of you seeing numbers. This again usually happens when you begin the awakening process…they can be random numbers or in a sequence. The most common numbers people mostly see are 11.11.

These were the first numbers I recall seeing…I see numbers everywhere…clocks…internet…signs…television…number plates on vehicles.

They constantly show up in my life everywhere…they all have significant meaning to me and it took me a long time to understand that these are a way to activate certain information within my conscious mind which is related to my awakening process.


These too can appear anywhere and repeat over and over again…

I find repeating words usually give me confirmation of the answer to my current question I have…this too can now pop up as a thought in my head or a sign outside as I’m going about my day.

Things to remember…

Pay Attention…

Signs will come to you in your own unique way. They are personal to you and only you will know the true meaning…

The more you acknowledge them…The more they will appear to you…

They are there to guide you…

They will help you to choose the right options for you…

Learn to interpret them in your own way…

They are only meaningful to you…

Signs can be anything that gives you insight, guidance or solutions…


If you would like further assistance or guidance with your own personal journey then please contact me via Facebook or crystalauratherapies.co.uk.