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This is part 4 in “The New Earth” series of channelled information which I received in April 2014.
The New Earth – Channelled Information Part 4
The reason for the transition
There are many things which you can engage in within your life which will help you to achieve a fulfilling life with many experiences along the way but you must first accept that you are here on a spiritual journey and not just here in a human journey which will cease to exist once you have died in this lifetime. There are still so many of you out there that actually believe this is it. You get one life and only one existence then there is nothing. What would be the purpose of that if that was all there were to your life. The first thoughts many people have usually consists of what is my life actually about and what happens when I am no longer alive here in this body? This can be a frightening thought as then you begin to wonder what actually does happen and where do you actually go when you die if you are not just either buried underground or cremated. Then the next line of thought will probably lead to thinking about your family and friends and how much you will miss them if you are not here but then you don’t want to go and leave them behind. You’re not ready to die and it is not fair that you may have to think about this as it is not even proven what actually happens to you anyway. Although you are correct about having proof of life after death when you do actually need to know and be reassured of what really does happen then you will be shown and you will be ready to accept this information and move on. There are some occasions where people may refuse to leave this world behind and become confused about what is happening to them but they will eventually understand and agree to return home.
Life can be very demanding at times but it can also be very rewarding with every achievement you make especially when you first step out into your own independence. Finding your way in the world gaining much sort after possessions and working hard to obtain your material needs which are the most important things to have as this will prove you are successful and the more you have the more people will admire and respect you. This is your conditioning taking over and you are in fact working from your ego. Your ego is big and powerful and does not wish you to succeed on your spiritual journey as then your ego has failed in accomplishing what it has set out to do. It wants to take control of your thoughts and your needs and to teach you that your power comes from the ego. This is not the truth however and when you start to challenge your ego it will react like a spoilt child and try to throw tantrums to divert you from your new way of thinking. You may by now begin to recognise what is your true spiritual self talking and what is the ego trying to gain control. The easiest way to accept this is to not react to your ego self and allow your inner thoughts and feelings to be known. Eventually you will understand the difference between the two and begin your first steps on your spiritual path.
The beginning of your awakening may seem surreal at first and you may even question yourself as to what you are actually experiencing. You may not want to acknowledge this at first and go into denial. One thing for sure though is that once this process has started there is no turning back. You cannot decide to return to your sleeping state and pretend that you have not actually experienced this moment in your life. You may feel angry and afraid which is quite normal and not wish to be here in this world now you have been shown the true reality as it really is with all the corruption and controlled environment you have been living in. You will begin to accept this after the initial moment of shock you experience then start to work out how you can help to change things for the good of all. This is the beginning of your transition into the new energy helping you to support the world adapting into the new vibration which will continue to manifest over the next few years. Great changes will be seen as this energy merges together among the people lighting up the world like a beacon of light. Shining into the darkness and illuminating that which no longer serves our purpose transforming the lower energies and aligning them to the new vibrations.
This is not the first time the earth has had the opportunity to create a better world but unfortunately it was subjected to corruption in the past and did not stand up to the test of time. Lessons have been learned from these times and have now proven that it is now time to move forward with these new energies as if this is not introduced then it is feared that earth will be subjected to another downfall as the corruption will continue to spread like a plague upon the earth. You are being given a great opportunity to learn from your past mistakes and take advantage of these new energies now being offered to you which will greatly enhance your human lives and hopefully create a new earth for many to enjoy that wish to develop their skills on their spiritual journey to enlightenment. It has been long awaited and many have great interest in these changes which are now being implemented. There are many from neighbouring galaxies also committed into helping earth at this time and are watching patiently as you progress forward towards this new civilisation. You are being offered the key to the future but you must learn how to use it wisely and with respect for it can create many new opportunities if used well but can lead to another downfall if abused.
With great opportunities for the earth comes great responsibilities which is why we have requested many to ascend the earth at this time to help you all transcend into the new earth energies. This has been a very challenging time and has taken much planning and organisation from many to instigate this mission on earth. Although you are the only planet who operates by time and can appear to be restricted to time regardless of where you are on earth this is not so for the astral planes as time does not exist outside of the earth. But for the purpose of your time on earth this has taken some years to reach this moment when the new energies have been allowed to be introduced to earth. You have not be ready to accept them before now and your intelligence would have had little concept for the true purpose in which these energies should be used and many would have abused this power if it were introduced previously as suggested by some. It is now felt that by the time the transition is complete the new energies will benefit humanity and serve to enhance the quality of lives for many. Some of you will still be here to witness the many changes to take place on the planet in the future and will understand the importance of such energy and why it was necessary to take steps into introducing this energy at this time. There are some of you who will not venture on into the new earth as you will have completed your mission and will return to your homes but it is with great thanks that many have served this planet to bring forth this new energy for the future of all.
It may be said that there are not any other life forms on any other planets and that the human race is the only living organism of its kind. Some of you may imagine that there are other planets in existence like the television series star trek. This again will not be proven to many and you may always wonder if indeed there are other life forms, aliens or ET’s in other planets or galaxies. Maybe one day the truth will be available for the many of you to access if indeed you wish to discover who or what else is out there. This is for another discussion in another time whether you wish to believe it or not there are other beings who are offering help to planet earth at this time whether you accept this as truth or not. It does not matter who or what they are and what their involvement is but it is necessary to mention them and to give thanks for the help and support they have given to help save the planet.
Part 5 Coming Soon
If you would like further assistance or guidance with your own personal journey then please contact me via Facebook or crystalauratherapies.co.uk.