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This is part 5 in “The New Earth” series of channelled information which I received in April 2014.

The New Earth – Channelled Information Part 5

Transformation into the new energy

This next section will give you more information about the process into your transformation into the new energies and how to help you to understand what is actually happening to your physical body. It will also explain your thought processes as they will also alter when adapting to the new energy and you may encounter some mixed up thoughts and emotions as you adjust. Some of you have already transformed into the new energy and will be noticing the effects you have within other people’s energies and the environment without actually knowing what is really happening. This too shall be explained in more detail.

Okay so let us begin by explaining that some of your physical symptoms you may actually be having while you are transitioning into the new energy will begin before your emotional symptoms as this is usually the first steps you will actually be aware of even though you will have already been experiencing some changes regarding your emotions without your knowledge. Your emotions will not be as obvious to you as they can be explained by other issues or events taking place in your life. It is only when you start to experience the physical symptoms as well as feeling emotionally vulnerable will you start to question what is actually happening and you will know that this is not anything you have experienced before.

There are many physical symptoms you may experience ranging from flu like symptoms to more severe symptoms which will differ from person to person. Some may develop sensitivities towards food and chemicals and even to other man made materials. You may have never experienced any allergies before in your life so you will not realise that this may be affecting you now. This is why it takes some time to eliminate all the other possible causes from your life before you finally recognise that you are actually having what is termed as a transitional vibration increase and that eventually you will rebalance your body and adapt to the new energy. You may find that your life will have altered in some ways and you will no longer be able to tolerate things you previously enjoyed. This will be a little daunting at first as you will still wish to do what you considered normal habits and not agree with what seems to be lifestyles changes forced upon you against your own will by your own body rejecting what you try to continue using or eating and you will believe that this will have a major impact on your current life. Please do not worry as this is part of your fear based reality and previous conditioning. You will be perfectly safe and will find that you will become healthier by making these changes to your life and clearing away all that which is harmful to you. It’s similar to many who experience major changes on their lives due to abusing their body for long periods of time. This will be very hard to accept especially if you have led a relatively healthy life.

You may find after you have completely adjusted to the new energy that you will no longer wish to indulge with certain foods and will accept your new lifestyle regardless. You may also choose to eat less red meat and increase your vegetable intake if you are not already vegetarian or vegan. This is because your body is becoming lighter and meat is a denser food which takes more effort to digest. You may find if you continue to eat meat then it will most likely be chicken. Beef and pork are the meats which are removed first from your diet naturally. You may still wish to eat meat but you will find that this becomes less as you raise your vibrations. For many of the children which are incarnating at this time most will already prefer a vegetarian based diet. This is perfectly fine and they will still receive enough nutrients from the food they consume providing you give them a balanced diet without too much processed food.

For your emotions and the impact the new energies will have on your life during the transitional period will experience various degrees of uncontrollable outbursts of emotions which may appear out of character for you and appear to have no valid reason for your reactions which may seem untimely and unwanted in certain situations. You may feel compelled to cry at the drop of a hat or feel happy beyond your considered normal state of happiness. You may even appear angry and hostile towards people as they don’t share your beliefs or opinions. You may even not actually be able to determine how you are feeling at times and withdraw from the world not wishing to interact with anyone. For some of you who are used to being in complete control of your emotions and keep your feelings to yourselves you may actually find this the most difficult time to deal with especially as you will not wish to acknowledge what you are feeling and will not openly express your feelings to others. It is quite normal to feel your emotions changing more erratically at times and the easiest way to handle these moments is to just allow your true feelings to emerge when permitted and sit with them until they rebalance. If you try to struggle to control your emotions you will prolong this transition and find it more difficult to adjust. Once you have completed this transition then you will find that your emotions will be much more reflective to your current moods and situations you are exposed to. You will express yourself much more naturally and won’t be able to hide your emotions like you may have in the past. You will react and respond more like how a child would in the same situation or circumstances you are in and your responses will be relayed in the moment you will find that you will feel more comfortable with yourself. This will be a similar pattern to how children react to situations as they have not learnt to withhold their emotions and are more in tune with their current feelings and emotions as they naturally occur.

You won’t immediately transition into the new energy in one single process as your body needs to adapt to the new feelings and sensations gradually. It would have a great impact on your life and body if this was to happen suddenly as you would experience a great deal of changes far too quickly which would be detrimental to your mental and physical health. This is why the process happens gradually blending your vibrations slowly while increasing them over a period of time to allow you to adapt to your body and the environment. You will also find that if you did transition into the new energy quickly at the same speed as flicking on a switch it would also have a major impact on your whole reality affecting your relationships and the environment you live in as you would then be vibrating at a different level to them completely and it would create an imbalance within your life making you feel incompatible with everything around you. This is why you are subjected to these changes gradually so that everything is taken into consideration and you are blending together slowly with only minor differences being noticed by yourself as you may find your preferences to certain environments and people changing slowly as you gradually increase your vibrations which will also bring changes and new people and environments who are already elevated to the similar raised vibrations you are. This is known to many by the term of “like attracts like”. You do this by attracting similar energies which resonate to yourself which is why you sometimes appear to have many interests in common with the people you are connected to. You will find that you outgrow certain people and situations as you increase your awareness and energies. You will of course also attract lower energies as they will be drawn to your energy without really understanding why. This is usually because they like the feelings of the energies you possess as you act like a beacon of light and attract them the same way a magnet is attracted to metal. It has not got anything to do with you personally and you will find that they may not stay in your presence for long as they will not be able to cope with the difference in the energies. Once they have felt this on a subconscious level they will continue on their way if they are not able to raise their own vibrations to your level as they are not able to tolerate the higher change in vibration for long periods of time until they have themselves been through the transitional change to the new energy. If you pay attention to the people you connect with on a daily basis you will begin to notice the type of people you attract and when you have begun your transition you will encounter more and more people who will resonate with you on a more spiritual level. You will also be aware of others who may have only just started their own transition and may not be as far on their path as you are but you will be able to help and assist them knowing that they will understand.

Part 6 Coming Soon

If you would like further assistance or guidance with your own personal journey then please contact me via Facebook or crystalauratherapies.co.uk.