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This is part 6 in “The New Earth” series of channelled information which I received in April 2014.

The New Earth – Channelled Information Part 6

Awakening to your own reality

As the spiritual journey is a unique experience for each individual with no self help books to offer the step by step guide from beginning to end it is no wonder why people are always aimlessly wandering around asking for answers from the many people whom seem to know what is actually happening. It appears to some that there are certain individuals out there that have it all mapped out and they know exactly what to do and what to say but when it comes down to it everyone is unsure about their own pathway and walks blindly forward hoping to find the correct path with ease not wanting to admit that they too are vulnerable just like everyone else. They will stumble and fall along their own life path and need help just like everyone else as this is what a human being does. Life is for learning, gaining experience in many situations without judgement, knowing that reality is what you perceive at any given moment which can change at anytime you chose. You have the power to change your life at any given moment and can virtually request whatever you want to experience at anytime providing you don’t sabotage your thoughts the moment you manifest them by your own limited self beliefs and conditioning.

So what is your dream in this lifetime? Or should that really say what is your reality in this life time? You see the choice is yours as you are able to write this dream and change it as you experience life knowing what you wish to experience next. The only problem is that you get so wrapped up in your own drama and play such a good part you do not wish to stop and keep going by adding more and more scenes and find that other people also join in and get in on the whole scenario. Imagine what would happen if you decided to just stop and take time out. The answer is simple, it would not continue. It would cease to exist. Wow! Imagine that, you could then create a whole new drama. Do you now understand that this life you lead is actually an illusion and you play your own role in the game called life? Well you do continue to take part in these dramas until you awaken from your dream you are currently in as you are indeed being controlled by the conditioning and the fear you are subjected to in your world. Hopefully by giving everyone the opportunity to awaken from this dream and allowing them to understand that they do have the choice, they can make their own reality and create their own drama’s as they so choose once they transition into the new energy.

Part 7 Coming Soon

If you would like further assistance or guidance with your own personal journey then please contact me via Facebook or crystalauratherapies.co.uk.