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This is part 10 in “The New Earth” series of channelled information which I received in April 2014.
The New Earth – Channelled Information Part 10
Further Channelled Information (The Future)
By the year 2035 there will be no need to go through this process as each of you will have gone through the transition and will be operating from the new energy. The children will continue to be born into this new energy and already be programmed before birth. The only need for these children is to learn to adapt to the physical body as they will most likely be old souls returning to earth to continue with the next phase of creating the new earth.
The energy is the foundation to the new earth. The reason for the importance of this energy is to be able to operate from a new level and teach people how to move forward into a more spiritual life and accept that we are all one. There will be much to work towards in this new earth and people will stand united together. There will be new ways of dealing with outdated systems and more acceptable rules and regulations which will be introduced to earth. Spiritual laws will be the new governing system as man-made laws will be abolished by many due to the restructuring of large communities which will be self sufficient and take care of every member within their community ensuring that all their needs are met. People will be able to choose to live within their own rules wherever they choose if that is their desire without having to justify themselves to anyone. It will become a free world with plenty for all. No longer will people be living in fear and under control of the few governing bodies which exist and are still trying to take over the world. The new earth will be known by all as a place full of love and joy and only those whom choose to continue on their own destructive path will face instant karma for their own ill wishes.
You will probably be building up a picture in your mind by now of the new earth as it will be that you have imagined for so long. A world free from pain and suffering and rich full of resources so that you will have your needs met each and every day. Well there is actually already a world like that in existence but you have not been aware of this world as you have been led to believe that this is not true or even that a realistic world would be a long time in being built but with help and planning from the government and all the money and resources they have then with their help they will build this perfect world but you must believe them and support them in their efforts. They want to help you have all you need and they already give you so much already. This is what they tell you every day and they expect you to believe this is the truth but this is not so and that they really want to control the earth and everyone in it. This is not what they are telling you. Please take time to find out for yourself all the information which is already available for you to read and access about the new world order. This is a completely separate issue from the new energy which is being introduced into the world. This is the reason for the new energy to be introduced so that you are given your freedom and your free will to choose the life you wish to live for yourself. You have been told for too long now about the ways of the world and how you must conform within society. There have been several attempts to control earth already which have all failed so far but the earth is being destroyed and it is now time to save earth and to save your selves from this corruption.
Unfortunately we are not able to interfere in your world as you have free will but we can assist you when necessary from destroying earth. We have been observing earth since its existence and have watched as you have had complete control over the way you live. It has now become necessary to help earth before it is too late and the only way to move the planet forward at this time is to send in the help needed in the way of other beings and previously incarnated souls whom have the knowledge and understanding of the planet. This is when we first introduced the indigo children as the way showers and the warriors to break down the structures which are no longer supporting the earth. The crystal children were the next phase but they have found earth to be a difficult place and have struggled with the lower vibrations. This has caused many children to react and has shown up in many issues as they are reacting to the energies, foods and chemicals on earth.
Hopefully with the influence of many now awakening to the truth and enlightening many on earth of the real reasons behind the mass corruption will result in the breaking down of these policies and structures introduced to control the people of earth. Also by raising the vibrations it also has a positive effect by preventing the lower negativity and energies from continuing in their path of mass destruction. They simply cannot operate against the higher vibrational energy. The more people whom raise their vibrations and become awakened at this time will help to carry the earth forward into the new earth. Of course some will raise their vibrations in line with the earth but still remain unaware of what is actually happening at this time. This is because there are still few whom have only begun their journey on the earth and have still many lives to experience for their own personal growth on their spiritual path.
It is also true that many whom are involved with the corruption do not fully understand the consequences of the role that they are playing here upon earth and do not realise that this will lead them to many years of karma as they are creating this each and every day they walk blinding into this corruption believing that they are indeed doing their best for the good of all mankind. They still have the choice to do the right thing but some are overcome by material gains and believe this is the true path to enlightenment. It is not our place to judge another only to show compassion for them as they know not what they do as they have not yet understood the full consequences for their actions or the beliefs which they have been taught by others. You must remain strong for these people and hope that they may see the path they have chosen to walk in time to repent and ask for forgiveness. Each and every one has the same opportunities and choices in their life and the free will to choose. It takes much courage to stand up alone and to show your true strength and commitment to speak your truth and integrity regardless of what the outcome may be. For those who stumble in their efforts then they will be given the opportunity to return to free themselves from the karma they have created in this life as it is said that what goes around comes around. This is true and it will be so in the new earth also but karma will come round much more quickly in the new earth for those that do create it.
There will be further spiritual laws issued for the new earth as these will be expected to be abided by and created so that any who choose to step out of the new ways will be dealt with quickly and effectively without causing unnecessary pain and suffering to others. The selection process for returning to earth in the future will be more restricted and further agreements will be written before entering earth. Many who are here on earth at this time will choose not to return as they only came to help save earth at this time and will want to return to their home once they have completed their mission.
Coming Soon Question and Answer Section Part 1
If you would like further assistance or guidance with your own personal journey then please contact me via Facebook or crystalauratherapies.co.uk.