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This is the first part in “The New Earth” series of channelled information Question and Answer section which I received in April 2014.
The New Earth – Questions & Answers Channelled Information Part 1
Question and Answer Channelled Information Section.
In this section we aim to give brief explanations regarding the various stages you may experience when progressing into the new energy which will hopefully help you to understand your own process you are experiencing. Not all physical or emotional signs and symptoms will relate to the transition into the new energies and if you experience anything that you feel is not related to the transition then you are advised to seek medical assistance.
How will I know when I am ready to transition into the new energy?
You will know you are transitioning by just asking this question as your subconscious mind will have already triggered this thought in your conscious mind as a warning to you and your body to prepare for this time.
What happens during the transition process?
This will be experienced differently for each individual but you will be aware of changes taking place within your body both physically and emotionally simultaneously without any other apparent reasons for the symptoms or sensations you may be experiencing. These can be mild to moderate depending on your own belief system and early life conditioning. During the process your body will be adapting to the new energy and releasing any old emotions, self defeating behaviours and conditioning your body no longer requires for the new energy. Your body in effect is becoming lighter as you release previously stored emotions and patterns. Fear based thoughts need to be released as they will hinder your progress. The only difficulty you may experience during this process is if you try to hold on to your old beliefs and conditioning. It is easier to just allow this process to happen naturally and keep an open mind.
How long does the transition process take to complete?
There is no set time for this process as this will depend on how you react to the process. If you accept what is happening and allow the changes to take place without trying to slow it down then you will find this happens relatively quickly. You will transition in stages, only progressing to the next stage once each stage has been completed. Some of these stages will take longer than others depending on your own beliefs and conditioning. The stages relate to the mental, emotional and physical aspects of the body. Each stage will be completed simultaneously otherwise you would feel out of balance and could experience extreme fatigue.
What will happen to me once I have completed the process into the transition of the new energy?
You will continue to work on your soul purpose and complete the reasons for incarnating at this time. The only difference to you once you have completed the transition is that you will be operating from a higher vibration and become more aware of the lower frequencies which you may encounter during your day to day activities. You have a choice to assist people operating at a lower level or to remain in your higher vibrational state. You will not be judged for whatever you chose will be right for you. Each one of you is on your own path to enlightenment and not everyone who has chosen to evolve at this time has volunteered to assist the planet.
Will everyone transition into the new energy?
Not everyone will transition to the new energy as this will depend on your life purpose and what you have chosen to experience but the majority of people on earth will transition to the new energy as this is why many have incarnated at this time. For those who have chosen not to then you will return home and will be given the opportunity to return to the new earth when you are ready.
What will happen to anyone who chooses not to believe any of this information?
Nothing will happen to anyone who chooses not to believe in this information. There are no punishments issued or judgements made regarding you or your life you have chosen to experience. If you do not feel you are ready to transition into the new energy then you will continue to live out your life on earth in your current life and circumstances until it is time to return home.
Can I get stuck in this process or fail to transition to the new energy?
It is not possible to get stuck in the transition process as we are already energy and the only change during the transition is that you will become a higher frequency. You can delay your progress if you so chose. This can be delayed by continuing to consume unhealthy food and alcohol in excess which will make the transition more difficult for your body as it will be trying to rid itself of the excess toxins before it is able to begin the transition process. Everyone indulges in unhealthy food and alcohol but if this is to excess or what is considered to be an addiction then you most probably will delay your transitioning process.
Can you describe the new earth and explain what it will be like?
The new earth with be no different than how you experience it now for this is the beginning phase of the transition which is currently taking place. This is because the complete process has to be gradual allowing for the changes to occur slowly keeping everything balanced.
Coming Soon Question and Answer Section Part 2
If you would like further assistance or guidance with your own personal journey then please contact me via Facebook or crystalauratherapies.co.uk.