CrystalAura blog!
Channelling – (The Council of Twelve) Part 2
This information was channelled in September 2018.
It is only now that I feel guided to share this information.

Until now many people have been following many different beliefs and conditioning which they believe to be their truth. It will be known in the future that you are able to replace those beliefs as you choose. You are able to discern the truth now as you become more consciously aware. You have been experiencing many things which you have chosen to experience in this life you are living even though you may not actually accept this to be true. Everything you have thought about yourself or your reality has been created by you. You have been in the illusion which to you is real and it is exactly how you believe it to be. There is no other alternative for you at this time as you are consciously choosing to play along in the drama you create. You can at times even become a victim of your own making and project this onto others who have agreed to take part in the drama with you.
When you question your reality…
When you become to realise this and start to question your reality then you can start to see that what you believe is not exactly set in stone and can be changed if you choose. You will become aware that the previous beliefs you have had now become to be more flexible and that you may also notice that the other people who have been playing out your drama with you continue the drama even though you have stopped and are facing the truth of what has been. This can be quite distressing for some as they now want to change their story and find it difficult as the other players do not wish to assist them in making a new reality. They quite like living in the current reality as it is. This is when you may notice that things are not the same anymore and you are not able to control the outcome. You realise that what you thought was your truth is not really your truth anymore. So what to do now? How do you move forward and convince everyone that what you believe to be true now is completely different? Why do they not listen to you? You feel challenged and the others are not helping you to make sense of your current situation or reality.
Try to continue with the current drama…
So the options as they stand now to you are to stay in the reality and try to continue with the current drama even though you are finding it difficult as you do not resonate with it anymore or you accept that things have changed. You are seeing things differently now and try to make a new start in another direction or make changes to suit your new beliefs. You realise also by now that your friends and family have now noticed you are acting out in a different way and are putting their own explanation of what is happening to you. They are not seeing the situation as you see it. This is when many people are then told that they must be going through some kind of breakdown or crisis as they are not fitting in with the group dynamics any longer and that they need to sort themselves out and get back into the real world. Funny that how friends and family are not able to accept the changes you wish to make and do not support your beliefs if they are different from theirs. They do not like change! Everything needs to stay the same. Comfortable and safe with little disruption is best. “We know what we are about and we do not get to choose what we want in life” is what many will be saying to you as you start to question why you don’t feel the same as they do anymore. You feel bored. You may even feel restless and have this feeling deep down like you need to experience something new or different. You may know some of your friends and family are quite happy to plod along each day, quite happy and content with life. Their highlight to their week maybe having a takeout on a Friday night or going to the shops to buy something new at the weekend as they have worked really hard all week and have earned just enough money to treat themselves to that new outfit they have seen in the latest fashion magazine. Maybe you are aware of your friends who work hard all year to save for a summer holiday by the sea, somewhere nice and hot for two weeks in the sun all inclusive. No one ever stops to question them, to ask if they are happy. You just know what they are going to say “It is what life is all about”. “We do it every year… It’s the norm don’t you know!”
Imagine when you finally decide to tell your friends that you are not coming with them on holiday. Shock…horror … a look of total amazement upon their faces as they are not prepared for you to break out on your own. You can just imagine the comments…”How can you do that to them!” “It’s not right!” “You always come on holiday…we have been doing this for years. It’s a tradition”. “You can’t just say you’re not coming. It won’t be the same without you”. So this is crunch time. Do you say “okay” and give in to them and go on holiday against your own better judgement or do you stand your ground and say “best get over it then because I’m not coming. I want to do my own thing”. “How selfish is that!? Really, I’m so disappointed with you…I thought you were meant to be our friend…” hear the guilt echo all around now as they project their own selfish needs onto you. It is probably never even occurred to them that it would be a good decision for you to choose what is right for you. Your needs or wants don’t even matter. They are only bothered about how it will affect them and their life. They don’t want change. They never asked you to be any different. They are quite happy for things to stay the same.
Of course, these are just a few examples of how things may be acting out in your current life to get you to pay attention to what you are experiencing now. Does any of this appear familiar to you? Are you aware of any current themes in your life which may give you a reason to believe that you are finally becoming aware that there must be more to life than you are currently experiencing?
Experiencing difficulties within your life…
Well if you are starting to experience difficulties within your life or appear to be having major conflicts with friends and family, feeling like you are not fitting in with them anymore or even feeling like you are being treated unfairly then you are probably only just starting the process to becoming more aware of the change in your consciousness. We are all going to go through this process at some point but for a few of you who have already been going through this already you will understand what I am talking about.
This is where your life will start to get interesting as you are now going to go through a process of releasing your previous beliefs and conditioning. You are going to release all your previous patterns and behaviours that no longer serve who you are now becoming. This is an individual process so there are no systems or timing involved as you allow these changes to take place. It is a personal experience just like your reality is your own experience. It will happen gradually over a period of time for anyone thinking it will all be cleared and released in one go it would be too much to cope with if this were to occur. All aspects of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body have to adapt and change which is why it is a gradual process.
You are finally waking up!
Why it is really happening to you now is that you are finally waking up from the sleeping reality you have chosen to experience. This can happen at any given time during your incarnation in this life but even more so now as we are currently going through a major shift where people will be waking up in mass. You are now choosing to come back to full consciousness of who you really are. You are becoming aware of your higher self and integrating that part of you into your physical body. The other part of this process is to do with your physical body which is changing into a light body as your vibration increases.
We are aware for many that this information is not new to you and you have already been given this information in many different formats and styles by other means but we would like to offer this information to the many that are not fully aware of what is actually taking place at this time. There is a lot of information being given by various people which only explains things in a limited perspective. We want to be able to offer a much more detailed description about what is coming in over the next few years as many people will be confused about how they will transition through the process on a personal level and how it will affect them personally.
There are many different ways to accept the information which is being given today which will depend on your current beliefs and previous conditioning. We are aware that some will not even care about what is happening in the world at the moment and will continue to live a sheltered existence until they transition and that is perfectly fine. We are not here to enforce this information onto anyone. We understand that many do not accept new information readily without concrete proof. It does take an open mind to be able to receive the most benefit from the information we wish to share.
What will happen once we have completed the process…
Many of you will be wondering what will happen once we have completed the process of becoming fully conscious. Especially since there are many who do not follow the rules in the current reality of earth which is at a third dimensional level. The third dimension is where the majority of the population are currently living in their reality at this time. Some of you that have previously begun the process of awakening have progressed to the fourth dimension and are accessing the fifth dimension. This is hoped to be the process for all that choose to experience this in this lifetime. That is why there are so many people on the planet at this time to take the opportunity which is available to them. The changes that will occur in the future will be experienced by all who eventually transcend to the fifth dimension. This will be known as the new earth in which you are in control of your reality consciously creating what you wish to experience at that moment. There will be no delays which is why you need to be fully awakened to who you actually are. As reality is now in the third dimension you are a creator but you are not fully aware that every thought you think is actually creating everything you have and experience. Just because you do not see it physically does not mean you did not create it. It is still in existence and when you become a vibrational match to the thought or thing you want you will experience it.
Be aware of your thoughts…

This is why you need to be aware of your thoughts and only ask for what you truly desire. Imagine if you did receive everything you asked for every moment of every day. You would probably be feeling overwhelmed by the whole process. Many have heard about the secret and the law of attraction. The law of attraction does exist. It is true that you attract everything so to speak but it must be a vibrational match for you to get it. Because most people are not fully aware of how they are constantly feeling in each moment actually changes their vibration which is why they sometimes receive things they want and other times they don’t. They allow life to dictate to them how they feel instead of choosing their feelings for themselves no matter what their circumstances or situation they are experiencing. Choose to stay in a high vibrational state and see what miracles happen.
They will gradually become more aware…
So as we were previously saying about how things will be once people have ascended to the fourth and fifth dimension. They will gradually become more aware of everything including their thoughts and feelings, along with the thoughts and feelings of all those around them. They will have instant access to everything they want. Everything shall be known to all so that no one will be controlled or deceived. The corruption that has been happening for some time will not exist in the fifth dimension. It will be left behind in the third dimension. It cannot operate at the higher vibration which is why the changes are currently happening on the planet. Everything will be governed by the spiritual laws as it should be. Man-made laws will have no place in the future. If any laws are made by the people it will be agreed with all who it applies to within the community but most will be happy with the spiritual laws.
Communities will be created to live in peace and harmony. There will be no more limited beliefs or conditions placed on anyone. You will be free to live the life you choose. It will be a life of balance and each will receive what they need. New structures will be built and new inventions will be introduced to many.
Crystal therapy & one-to-one sessions are available if you require further guidance or assistance.
Please contact CrystalAura therapies for further information.