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What is spirituality to you?
Spirituality, what is it to you? Is it a blessing, or is it a curse? Do you follow rituals, make confessions to a priest, or even attend a church? Or do you have a guru, who will try to change your mind? Tell you what to think and say, even when to pray. Although a guru is just a man, he is human just like you. You honour him for the things he said, you don’t even notice that you are blindly led.

Do you think it’s being part of a tribe? Living in a community or maybe in a clan, or even working together living off the land? Following in rituals all throughout the year. Giving thanks and blessings for everything you share.
Or is it a religion that you’ve not yet even tried? This is most likely an old one, with just new rules applied. You take your guidance from a book, following the scriptures, or the lessons they teach. Even when they make no sense to you. You accept them as your truth, you trust in what is said to you because all the others do.
To me, spirituality is a way of life. I follow the guidance that comes from within. I do my best each and every day. To learn all I can with love in my heart. I try to accept all that I see, observing the lessons it is teaching me. I know it’s already perfect, it’s how it’s meant to be. Life is an experience; I’m here to just be. Discovering the meaning of my life and so much more. Learning I’m a divine being, following spiritual laws. To integrate with my higher self. To remember who I am.
I know I’m here to wake up the world, and maybe you are too. To shine our light really bright, waking up others every day. Speaking our truth to all that you meet on the way. Raising the vibration of the planet everywhere you go.

Not to be controlled and told how to live. To follow the rules, which never make sense? For the warrior spirit is inside of me. I walk in this world with love and pride, to bring in the new frequency of the light. Raising the awareness of everything in sight, sharing my love with all in this world. I’m here to be of service like so many I’m told.
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