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Are You An Empath? You & Your Energy!
I found spending some time in my own surroundings helped me. I also found it helpful to just sit with my own feelings and emotions. Just by observing all of my own thoughts and feelings and recognising how I felt helped me become more aware of me. By clearing my emotions and thoughts rather than trying to stuff them back down inside helped me to respond more in the now moment. Once I had learned to process everything in the moment as it came into my awareness I became more able to experience my feelings more naturally. This was the most important thing I found I needed to do. It’s important to get to know yourself like your own best friend.
Top Tips to Understanding You & Your Energy!
The next three tips may take some time to get to grips with… be patient with yourself…
- You need to discover what your energy feels like.
- You need to understand your own feelings.
- You need to get to know your own thoughts.

These three things are important. They will help you to recognise how you really feel. When you are picking up anything from others or your surroundings, you will then notice a change or a shift in your energy, your thoughts or your feelings. If you know how you are currently feeling, and then you suddenly feel different, it’s most likely not you or your energy.

It is very important to…establish good boundaries
Establish good boundaries for yourself. This will help you to decide what is acceptable to you. It will let others know too, where they stand with you. You can visualise yourself surrounded in a bubble of white light which will protect your energy. You can do this on a daily basis if you choose to, especially before going out into busy environments.
More importantly, if you feel overwhelmed…
More importantly, if you feel overwhelmed at any time, then take time out and clear your energy field. Check-in with yourself often. Eventually, it will become second nature if you incorporate this into your life as a daily routine. If you absorb too many outside energies within your body all at once thinking they are yours, then you may become more emotional or tired than you normally feel. You may even feel aches and pains within your physical body which are not actually yours. It is important to clear yourself often if you notice any of these changes within you and you know they are not yours. You can simply say “what is not mine please leave” This is a simple technique which can be used whenever you feel the need. It can be said in your head as a thought and it will still be as effective if you are conscious about speaking out loud or if it is not appropriate for you to do so at the time.
Finally, on a more positive note…When you have practised becoming more aware of how to discern your energy from others long enough, you will find being an empath has its advantages. You will be more prepared for assessing your surroundings and the company you keep with others. You will notice how others are feeling and how they are really responding towards you. You will be more aware of how you feel in certain situations and surroundings giving you more options on what you wish to experience and what you don’t. Life will become easier to handle and you will be able to intuitively avoid people or situations more quickly before they become an issue for you.

Crystal Therapy & One-to-One Sessions are available.
If you require further guidance or assistance please contact CrystalAura therapies.