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An Angel by Your Side…

As you wander through your life. You may come across some trouble and strife. Along the way when times get tough, you are on your knees, you have just had enough. You are not made for this you say, you have reached your limit, you cannot take any more. As you begin to cry as you fall to the floor.
You continue to pray, asking for guidance from above, you feel abandoned and all alone. Still, you keep struggling on, praying while feeling all hope has gone. Trying to stay strong, wondering where did I go wrong. Asking for God and your guides to please help you.

In your hour of need as you continue to plead, thinking that they must not be true, as they do not seem to answer you. When out of the blue, when you are most lost and you are through, you begin to feel a presence beside you, a loving feeling appears deep inside, and you just know everything will be fine.
I am an angel you hear and we will always be near, we will always walk by your side. We are always here. Please have no fear, as we watch over you all of the time.
We protect you from harm, we have been with you since you were born, supporting you in every way. You only need to ask for our love and advice then acknowledge the signs that we send you. A feather, a coin, a song that you hear, or even the smell of sweet perfume.
You will know we are here when we are near as you will feel our love in your heart. We want you to know that we are all one. Part of the loving divine, we will help guide you and continue to protect you until the end of time.

Crystal Therapy & One-to-One Sessions are available.
If you require further guidance or assistance please contact CrystalAura therapies.