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When you become aware of your own emotions. When you can observe just how you feel. See how you can change in just a moment. As everything you see, always seems real. Your reality is of your own making. It’s what you believe to be true. Your emotions help you to understand the flow deep inside of you. Like a ripple in the water, or the trickle in a stream. Sometimes like a tsunami, completely overwhelming you.
When you can acknowledge how you feel, no matter the situation you are in. Own all the feelings you have inside, sometimes it’s just an adrenaline rush, maybe anger, happiness or joy. Even just the reaction to our flight or fight response. They all serve a purpose in our life when we learn to use them correctly in times of strife.
But the trouble with how we live today is that we have all become desensitized to the normal way. Our emotions don’t respond in the way they should. Instead, we’re all numb with no feelings at all. Sometimes this is making us completely withdrawn.
So it’s back to basics to learn how you feel, in all your situations you experience in life. Resetting your system so you can respond right, to your life in an appropriate way. Instead of being triggered all throughout the day, or not even responding at all, not even aware of your emotions any more.
But if you take the time to learn how you really feel, expressing all your emotions once more as they are meant to be. Life will have so much more meaning for you in everything you feel.

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If you require further guidance or assistance please contact CrystalAura therapies.