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Practice Being Consciously Aware…
As you go about your day…
Begin practising being consciously aware in all that you experience. Whatever experiences or challenges you may be facing today. Try to stay consciously aware as much as you can. Think about how you feel in each moment… Notice how this may change as you interact within different situations throughout your day. Notice how you engage with people and what effect they may have on you and how you feel about it.

When you become more aware of yourself more consciously, notice how it may even change how you see the experience, challenge or situation you are experiencing. Just by being consciously aware in each moment noticing how you interact with everything can change your perception. You may even decide to engage in a completely different way or even find a solution to your most recent challenges. If you find you get caught up in any drama. Don’t feel bad about it… Just bring your focus back to yourself being consciously aware again. The more you practice this. The easier it will become. Until eventually… you will find you experience life in a whole new way.
Eventually, you will be able to maintain a more conscious state of mind for longer periods of time and begin to notice how you engage with everything around you in the moment. You will be able to choose how you wish to interact with others and be aware of the dramas which are currently playing out in your life or the dramas which people are currently playing out around you. By being consciously aware you can remove yourself from any situation or drama which may not be in your best interests without having to make such an issue about it. You can just simply step out or disengage at any time you choose. You will also be able to intuitively know what is most likely going to happen as you become more aligned with your own reality. Living in the now, being consciously aware, allows you to fully engage in the experience more fully.
How many times do you go through the motion of doing something on autopilot not even paying attention to what you are doing or even being aware of the experience you are having?

Imagine that whatever you wish to experience now in your life can be like a brand new experience as if you are experiencing it for the very first time. Wouldn’t that be a great place to start?

Have A Great Day!
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