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What is Love?

Love is a high vibrational thing. It’s pure energy, which can be felt from within. It can never be owned, bought or sold. It lives completely freely among young and old.
It touches the hearts of each and every soul. It has the power to turn envy into gold. When you look outside yourself to find the love you seek. You may just be lucky enough to catch a glimpse or a peek. Love flows freely between each thing. It shares that warm fuzzy feeling that you feel from within.
It can make you laugh, it can make you smile, and it can even make you cry. It even has the ability to make you feel so high. It can make you feel all fluffy and light like your floating on a cloud.
If you’re feeling sad and blue, or need a hug to help you through, then love can help you much indeed, to pick you up in your hour of need. Never hold on tight to the love you feel, as it needs to keep flowing, it needs to be free.
It will always be there deep in your heart, growing ever stronger, never to part. Always trust the love inside, it’s your forever friend, it’s your loving guide.

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