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The Shadow Self…

There seem to be so many struggles in life regarding the shadow self. People are actually living in fear and believing that the darkness and evil are going to hurt them!
What I know to be true within my own experience…
We must accept every possibility can exist! Question everything you see, hear or feel in your reality. You may be shown things which you never thought possible, or you may even now discover what you previously believed was true is not anymore to you. But it does not say we need to believe in all things as our truth. What you believe to be your truth will be. You create your beliefs by your thoughts which then manifest into what you observe, hear or feel within your surroundings. We actually attract to us everything in life consciously or unconsciously.
Be Aware of Your Thoughts!

Be aware of your thoughts. If you believe in evil and watch horror movies then your mind will most likely create more of this in your reality. If you believe in conspiracy theories about the world, then this too is what you will see more of. When deep-seated trauma comes up to be released it can take form in many ways depending on what you believe.
So my advice to you today is when you are challenged with the shadows of life. Stand strong and face them as the darkness will continue to feed off your fear. You need to know that you are fully protected always and nothing can harm you unless you give your consent and power to it. Trust your own inner guidance and if something does not feel right to you then pay attention!
What you will eventually discover is that all your beliefs are being challenged. You are going through an awakening process and are no longer accepting other people’s truths as your own or the previous patterns and conditioning you have accepted as your truth. You are creating a new belief system which will go through many changes as you challenge everything within your own reality. It is up to you what you choose to believe in. It is also important to know at this point that as you expand your consciousness and your perception changes so too will your beliefs so you may find that you seem to contradict yourself as you are continually changing your beliefs.
Allow the process to flow naturally…
The more you allow the process to flow naturally the easier it will be. When we get in our own way and cling on to our past beliefs or refuse to change then we create more inner conflict. We tend to look to others for advice and support when we feel stuck or have conflicting views which is okay but always ask yourself if this is your truth too. If it does not feel right within then question what is true to you. Do not follow blindly just because you feel lost and trust others to have the answers you seek. Always go within, if the answers do not come straight away trust that they will when you are ready to receive them. Sometimes we may feel blocked or delayed on our path which can happen to you many times. Know this too is part of the process to allow you time to fully process the changes you are experiencing. Do not think you need to try to fix you! You are not broken! You are where you are meant to be at the right time on your own path. Your experience is unique to you. You are being re-birthed into a new version of you as your old outworn beliefs and conditioning are being cleared away.

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