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Happiness Now!

Are you someone who thinks that you can only be happy when you achieve your goals? Or that happiness can only be experienced when you have what you want.
Do you realise that you can choose to be happy now regardless of anything? There are no conditions or limitations on happiness. Only you choose to do that. You are actually in control of when and how you choose to be happy.
So whatever you currently believe about happiness review your beliefs today. Choose to be happy now! Do anything you can to be happy today. Then make a conscious choice to keep doing whatever you are doing that is making you happy.
It can be absolutely anything as long as it makes you happy. It can even be a hobby or an interest that brings you instant happiness. Put your focus on that.
After a while, you may begin to notice how different you feel. You may notice that things are starting to slowly change in your life. Your vibration will automatically change as you focus on just being happy.
Then you can honestly say “that no matter what happens in my life…I choose to be happy!”

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