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Are You Ever Triggered?

When you’re triggered and you’re really mad. You’re really angry and you’re losing your rag. You don’t really know what to say. You just rant on…in such a way. That nothing you say really makes sense. You stand your ground protesting your innocence. Pointing your finger at everyone saying it’s their fault why things are wrong.
“It has nothing to do with me,” you say when the other person tries to walk away. “I’m just the victim, can’t you see, why are you always having a go at me?” “It’s not my fault, you’re to blame you have always been the same”. “You make me angry and make me shout until I forget what I’m annoyed about”.
It’s just a vicious circle that keeps going round and round. The ego just loves it as it makes you feel so proud. You never really actually see the wound that’s inside of you, which is the real reason why it triggered you. So if you take the time to reflect and address your wound within. You will find in time your trigger is healed, never to react again.
Remember to thank the person who helped to trigger you as without their help you would never have known, this wound inside of you. So if you find you are ever triggered again, I’m sure you will do your best. Not to go off like a bottle of pop but to stop and smile, do your inner work and then take some time to reflect.

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