Welcome to CrystalAura Blog.
It is difficult not to judge another…especially when you are conditioned to. I know I still sometimes catch myself judging someone for what they may have said or done in the heat of the moment. Especially if it is something that still triggers me…but I’m more aware of my actions now and try to think before I speak…

I try to accept where I’m at in my awakening process and don’t beat myself up if I slip up. I know I’m only human and I’m still releasing and clearing my programming and conditioning. I don’t honestly know if I will ever be completely free from that as our minds are designed to be programmed. But I can be aware of what I allow myself to be exposed to. I can still have a bad experience! I just don’t let it be my main focus if I feel I have done something wrong. I try to put it behind me and move forward.
The other thing I know I do more of now is to just observe life…without judgement…I just see things for what they are…accepting what is…I see how things came to be. I am able to see the root cause of an issue or situation. I see the blocks people have or where they are stuck. I respect where people are at in their life. I know they are where they are meant to be. I know everything just is… what it is…

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