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Advice or Not!
When you find you need advice or support in life…
You can choose…

When people want to give you advice on your life because they say they want to help you. Sometimes this advice lands on deaf ears and doesn’t resonate with you. It will only make sense when the time is right for you so you can learn what you need to. Then you can move forward on your path when you are ready to continue to experience what you have come here to experience in this life. People may try to fix you along the way, or tell you how they did it their way. But that may still not be right for you. It just causes friction between you and the other person as they try to convince you that their way is best, that you don’t need to invest in anything else than their advice that they are giving you as they are right. They actually tell themselves that they are the only ones who can help you.
Do you need advice about your business?
Then there are people who will tell you that they have the solutions you seek for your business. They will promise to help boost your business and provide you with follow up leads. Provide you with an amazing service and increase your sales and your client base. But all they really want to do is to earn money from misleading you. They are not really interested in the services you provide within your business or what it is you really do. They will try to sell you more of their services by using promises to boost your business, to help you gain more followers with the information they provide and they will try to get you onboard, at the beginning with a free webinar, a special offer or a free trial.
They will try to hook you in with all the promises they make, convincing you that if you invest your money with them they will guarantee to increase your sales. They prey on you when you’re at your most vulnerable knowing they will convince you in the end with increased pressure to invest in their amazing products by emphasising that they are only available for a limited time. They tell you they are different and not like the rest. But it’s not too long until you start to see the truth of who they really are and how they are trying to manipulate you into purchasing their services.

They too are human just like you and me, but their ego has usually taken over at this point and they are too blind to see how it is in charge of them. Their intentions are not so pure after all. You’re just another business transaction to these people now trying to make more money no matter how they present themselves. They’re convinced that is what’s most important in life, material gains and a larger net worth. If you pay attention you will notice how they always emphasise on how much money they are making…how many clients they have and how busy they are…how they have spent all this time perfecting their skills and knowledge and they are now giving you all of this for free…to help you to be successful just like them…REALLY?
That may be true for a few genuine people out there but before you consider investing your time and money with any of these people use your discernment. Ask yourself if it is the right thing for you? Never feel pressurised into anything. We are all here to experience life. Have you ever considered that the way you are doing things in your business is meant to be part of your experience? You are having your own unique experience and gaining valuable insight and gaining knowledge along the way. Nothing is guaranteed in life for anyone…Not even the most successful person in business can guarantee your success…
Use your judgement when you need advice…

Use your judgement when you need advice, your intuition will guide you and keep you right. Find the people that you are drawn to the most, that way you will know they are the right people to help and guide you in your time of need. You will know who they are as they will be pure of heart and want to support you from the start without a hidden agenda or doing it for personal gain. They will be honest, sincere and true, wanting to help you, believing in you or what you have to offer. If you are ever in doubt then take a step back and wait to see how things unfold in your life. You will be shown the right way forward when the time is right for you. Never give your power away to anyone else…you can choose what is right for you!
It’s Your Life…Your Journey… Trust The Process…
Crystal Therapy & One-to-One Sessions are available.
If you require further guidance or assistance please contact CrystalAura therapies.