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Do you sometimes find random thoughts popping into your mind, sometimes they may seem strange and you don’t always understand?
Do you find your head sometimes feels like it’s spinning in circles, going round and round as if it’s in a loop, repeating thoughts throughout your day, not making sense in any way? There is no logic to the thoughts you have so you question your sanity as you think you may be going mad.

You may sometimes get the most amazing ideas or little flashes of insight into the solutions you seek. They seem to pop up out of nowhere when you least expect them to even sometimes when you’re trying to sleep.
Do you ever have a thought of your friend you haven’t seen in some time? You can see an image of them pop into your mind. Not long after they usually get in touch, just to say hello or to offer a helping hand. Isn’t it amazing how they always seem to connect with you at the right time for you! Funny it seems like they even knew.
These are signs of your own intuition. Helping you and guiding your way. The more you pay attention and listen to them the stronger and more accurate they will become. It’s usually that first fleeting thought or feeling you have at the moment that is true. But if you try to make sense of it or think too long your ego will try to take over and confuse you.

So if you have random thoughts popping into your head. Just ask yourself what does this mean to me? Then wait for the answer and always trust your gut. It’s your inner guidance just getting in touch. It’s always been there inside of you waiting for you to notice when you take the time to connect. So just quiet your mind and you will be amazed at the answers you find.
They will mean so much more to you, than asking someone else what they would do. The answers are there whenever you ask. Always remember it’s your higher self otherwise known as the more intelligent part of you.
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If you require further guidance or assistance please contact CrystalAura therapies.