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Manifesting Your Desires…

Gently floating down the stream, thinking of all the things you dream. How wonderful it is that you can create a happy new life with a loving soul mate, or whatever you desire. As you imagine how it will be, you find yourself vibrating more positively. For you know the secret of your desire is to keep your vibration growing higher and higher.
You know there is nothing more you need to do. Just keep remaining positive letting everything flow to you. You become like a magnet attracting everything. You find it’s just like a new way of life as you manifest everything you have ever wanted for you.
You have learned not to give your power away or to let other people lead you astray. You know it is all about keeping a positive mind and the loving feelings which all come from inside, that really create the new life for you as you continue to live in your joy all day through.
It doesn’t really matter what you stay focused on as long as you maintain your vibration as high as you can. This is what brings your manifestation to you it’s known as the law of attraction by many of you.
Keep an open mind on how it will arrive or how it will be presented to you in good time. You don’t want to limit whatever you seek as it may be something more amazing than you could ever imagine it to be. Just know it will be for your highest good and a vibrational match just for you.
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