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We all have Beliefs…
We all have beliefs; it’s a part of who we are. They form our reality to define what we live our life for. Some can be helpful for a while, but when they’re not we accept them anyway, & remain in denial.
We don’t like change so we bury our truth. Instead, we search for meaning outside our self, looking for answers we can say are true. To cover up what we really feel, because society doesn’t allow you to be you.
We follow the crowd thinking they are smart; you question why you don’t feel the same as it doesn’t resonate with your heart. It becomes really obvious that you don’t fit in, as we inherit many more beliefs from family & friends.
You realise this brings no comfort on your path, you’re not here to live like them, you’re here to be free, to live your own life. To remove all limitations you were led to believe, to discover the truth of who you are.
You need to release these lies you have been fed for so long. When you discover the answers you seek, are all inside your heart. Then you can say I believe in me! I am who I am & I create my own reality.
Crystal Therapy & One-to-One Sessions are available.
If you require further guidance or assistance please contact CrystalAura therapies.