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Lock Down…
What day is it today I hear myself say as I wake up in the morning to yet another day…
Back, in lockdown once again with no end in sight, as they keep changing the rules from morning until night.
All the countries are reporting the same, with no end in sight of Covid they say. New variants are causing more delays. Reports of the vaccine seem to be going well. Vaccinating everyone they can with their corrupt plan, while continuing to monitor testing every day. They can’t make it mandatory but they will if they can. Finding ways to continue to control the masses, causing delays is the plan.
The holiday plans are all screwed too as they introduce a traffic lights system to confuse you. To cause more delays as they remain on red. You’re now thinking of staying home and camping in the garden instead.
The vaccine passport is no joke. They want to take away your freedom and your rights. But if you have the vaccine you will be allowed to travel, come and go as you please, not need to self isolate or quarantine. Even if you have Covid then you’re allowed to carry on with daily life. This doesn’t make sense at all. Am I hearing this right?
It’s time to see past all of these illusions. To, see the lies and all the confusion. As they continue to create more drama, to carry out their agenda. It’s time to wake up and see the truth before it’s too late. Don’t be fooled, make informed choices, do what is best for you. Stop putting your trust in the system that is corrupt, keeping you in fear, to control you. Take back your power, decide to be free, it’s your choice…it’s why you are here!
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