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Pure Love.
Is there such a thing as pure love…?
As children, we are very open to life. We live in the now moment and express how we feel as we interact with the world and everything around us as it is. We respond naturally until we learn patterns or conditioning from others. Our peers are our biggest teachers when we are children. We learn by their example. We trust that they will keep us safe from harm and protect us always. We have no doubts at all that we could ever be in danger.
When we find ourselves in any situation we do not feel it is a threat or sense any danger until we learn otherwise. Sometimes we can repeat these experiences we have with no knowledge that they are considered a danger to us or corrupt & inappropriate unless we are told.
We love openly. We give out the love we have with no conditions or expectations. We express freely who we are and react in a loving and caring manner towards everyone.
Children are honest and will sense when people are not genuine or coming from a loving approach towards them. This is their natural innate ability. We are all born with the ability to connect with our intuition. It is only when we are corrected by outside influences that this becomes challenging. We then experience conflict between our natural intuitive feelings and what we are told.
Even at times when we may be upset or hurt by others, we quickly forget these experiences and return to a normal state once we have expressed our emotions.
We never even imagine that any trauma we might experience will alter our beliefs or change our future responses and reactions we may have.
When we are children and we are told to not speak or express ourselves. Especially if we are in the company of others this starts to reinforce our beliefs and we then believe we must always behave this way in these situations. This then prevents us from expressing our true selves as we would naturally do. We hold in our feelings and emotions. This is the start of how we become conditioned & programmed.
We all have the ability to express & feel pure love. If we watch children we remember that we too were once children with these same loving & caring qualities. The innocence they have as they express themselves openly & freely.
This is what we need to return to, return to the childlike wonder.
Express ourselves openly and freely without any fears of judgement from others.
To be free to speak openly about whom we are without being compared to others or being judged or labelled.
Crystal Therapy & One-to-One Sessions are available.
If you require further guidance or assistance please contact CrystalAura therapies.