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Everything Within…
I am currently in the process of channelling “The New Earth Energy Book 2” which I hope to publish soon…
In the meantime, I have been guided to share a short message to all that are seeking guidance at this time.
This is a channelled message from “The Council of Twelve”
“You have Everything Within”
The truth is that you already have everything you need within you. This is the biggest kept secret that has been keeping you stuck for so long as you continue to search for everything on the outside. You continue to seek the truth of your existence by following others and believing all the things that have been passed down through the generations to you via your family, conditioning and belief systems that have been in existence for many years with an understanding that these are the truths of your whole existence.
Religion is the biggest trap of all. As you continue to give your power away to an outside source you will never find the truth that you are actually searching for. The purpose for many religions in existence throughout history and the main objective was created to keep your focus on the outside world which is the complete opposite of what you are seeking. You continue to search and pray for guidance outside of yourselves which in effect is only giving your power away.
You can create whatever reality you wish by thoughts. Your thoughts are very powerful and this has been discovered by many. It is also true that your mind is very susceptible to suggestion which is why it is easily programmed. There are no filters and the corrupt know this is the easiest way to control the masses by mind control. They use this technique even today with social media.
Many of you are aware of this and have been for some time. There are also people aware of the other forms of control that are constantly being used out in the open. The one thing that many do not observe is that many paths are leading to the same corrupt end. They think that choosing sides and standing for a certain cause will save them from the end outcome but it will not. All must be known and played out. All paths will eventually lead to the same outcome. The only choice you need to make is how you wish to experience the journey and how you respond in each moment.
There are no sides to choose from. There is nothing to fix or save. The only thing that you need to do as an individual is to awaken from your sleeping state and raise your consciousness. To take your power back by understanding that you are powerful and you can choose how you wish to respond to your life. This all happens within you as you awaken and connect to your heart consciousness.
The corrupt have no consciousness and rely on you to continue to be here in existence. Without you, they are not able to function and survive. They need you and your energy. The more of you that awaken to your heart consciousness is leaving them fewer people available for them to feed off the energy.
The longer they keep you living in fear and confusion the longer they have to exist and continue to manipulate and control you. They will continue with their current plans, one of which is to depopulate the human race. They have no use for the old, sick or disabled as they do not contribute to society. Only healthy people that currently pay into their slavery system are required to keep things operating. The introduction to further restrictions and control will help them to continue with their plans as people willingly give up their rights to freedom.
Your intuition will always guide you and keep you safe but many of you have been so desensitised to your inner guidance and have allowed the outside world to offer you the answers you believe are true. You never question or seek validation and are quite happy to follow the crown in a herd-like mentality instead of making your own judgements or even making informed choices after gathering the information. You continue to disregard your inner guidance even when you feel things are not what they appear to be. Some of this is out of learned behaviour and conditioning and some by fear.
The truth is that you have all the answers available to you from within your own inner guidance. Some of you are still able to access this even though you may not fully understand or have any concrete confirmation of what you are tuning in to. You just have a gut feeling or hunch but are not sure how it relates to your present reality as you are constantly being subjected to further confusion from the outside.
It is important to stay in the now and create your life in each moment.
Follow your inner guidance.
Trust that all is well and working out for your highest good at all times.
Crystal Therapy & One-to-One Sessions are available.
If you require further guidance or assistance please contact CrystalAura therapies.