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What comes next?


We spend so much time looking for the next answer… the next experience or the next solution in our lives. Always searching for something outside of ourselves, never really knowing what it is…

Always searching, always seeking, wanting to find our life’s true purpose. The truth of our existence, the real reason for our life here in this time, at this moment.

When we find something that resonates with our core beliefs we search even deeper feeling so excited that we have found the answers we have been so desperately wanting and needing for so long.

I have found myself doing this so many times and soaking up any truths or new information like a sponge. Having a thirst for knowledge, and an open mind allowed my perception to expand in all areas of my life which have allowed me to express myself in many ways I never even believed possible.

I know as I reflect back on my life so far how much I have changed. But have I really changed or is it that I have just become more accepting that there are indeed many truths and many realities that co-exist all together in this place that we have called earth?

I believe that the more we are open to accepting change and exploring all possibilities the more we are spoon-fed this information that we seek.

I find it fascinating as I reflect back on my first experience of awakening that I can still recall with my conscious mind. I remember at the time of experiencing this first awakening not really having any concept of what was actually happening to me or inside of me. I had no idea how my life would unfold and lead me to where I am today.

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If you require further guidance or assistance please contact CrystalAura therapies.