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What Are Your Gifts or Talents?
How many times do you fail to notice how much you have to offer the world? (Probably…Every Day)
Do you compare yourself to others, or think they are better than you? (Probably…Every Day)
Do you know…We all do that! We are all conditioned by limiting beliefs…It is learned behaviour…

Unfortunately, we have all been conditioned in life to compare ourselves to others. We automatically believe we are no good at something even before we know for sure. How many times have you stopped yourself from experiencing something in life out of fear or just because you believe you will fail if you try, so you believe it is better to accept your failure now to save you the embarrassment of failure in the future? You put limits on yourself, thinking you are protecting yourself, but really you are doing yourself an injustice by allowing false beliefs to dictate your life experiences.
Just For Today…Only think about what makes you…you! We all have our own unique skills and talents…things you enjoy…Instead of limiting yourself by focusing on the things you believe you are no good at…try to concentrate on the things you know you are! Look for the positive things about you…it’s so easy to put yourself down and focus on what you can’t do…all this does is make you feel bad and creates more negativity. Just by becoming more aware of being focused on the positive things…you will automatically start to change your perception and help you to begin to feel more empowered and in control of your life.

In reality, you can do or achieve anything you choose…it is only your beliefs that limit what you think…Just imagine, If we all did the same things in life, it would be pretty boring…don’t you think?
Never be afraid to try something new…have a go…sometimes it’s more fun trying something you know you may not be the best at, but at least you can say you made the effort…
You never know…you may even find something you’re naturally good at…

Now wouldn’t that be something!
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If you require further guidance or assistance please contact CrystalAura therapies.