Welcome to CrystalAura blog.
It’s okay to be you!
How many of you feel that you are not good enough?
How many of you compare yourself to others?
How many of you make judgements about yourself or others?
Do you realise that these thoughts are all learned patterns of behaviour?
We are all guilty of thinking like this at some time in our life. We don’t seem to be able to control these thoughts. Our thoughts are like continuous cycles that are stuck on repeat…We create our thoughts out of habit…sometimes we may create our thoughts to protect us, for our own self-preservation…especially if we feel threatened…sometimes we believe that by comparing ourselves with others helps us feel better…even if it is just in that moment…
Did you know…?
The first time you actually recognise yourself becoming aware of your thoughts, actually thinking this, may come as a shock to you? If you just stop now for a moment, think about your last thought…do you remember what it was? Would you consider it to be a good thought? Was it positive, negative or neutral? Would you like to change that thought now you have reflected on it?
Well done…If you do…you should be pleased with yourself, if you catch yourself thinking this way…
Why may you ask?
This is the first step to recognising your thoughts…knowing you are aware of your thoughts is the break through you need to start to help yourself in changing how you think…once you recognise your thoughts…you can then start to recognise the patterns within your own thinking process and choose if you still want to continue with your current thought or replace it with something better…the choice is yours…with practice it’s possible to change your thought patterns…
Once you begin this process… you may find yourself noticing when you are thinking something negative or something positive…you then can choose to replace it if you so wish…
Do you know your thoughts create your reality…?
You do get to choose your thoughts, each and every one of them…and once you are aware of this then you can create whatever you desire…
So what do you really think about yourself?
Do you think it’s okay to be you?
The choice is really yours to make…
In the meantime…I just wanted you to know “It’s okay to be you!”
You are good enough, you don’t need to compare yourself to anyone…you are already perfect…you just need to recognise this for yourself…