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Channelled information received in April 2014 – excerpts from “The New Earth” series.
Channelling -New Age Children – Part 3
The New Earth Children
When you are first born you are not aware of the contracts and lessons you have agreed to and they will not become known to you until you have gained all the knowledge and experience you need to learn to equip you with all the tools needed to help you on your life purpose. Some may learn these very quickly indeed and have much trauma in their lives from a very early age while others with have a steady life making what seems like little progress with little or no trauma depending on what they have come here to learn. There are many children now returning to earth who are considered old souls. They seem very familiar to some of you who are already awake and you can identify that they have come here to help the earth at this time. They have brought with them many gifts and hidden talents from previous carnations which will help them when they reach the age of their own maturity and have learned to use these gifts and hidden talents for the good of all and not to just use them for their own personal gain. They children are wired differently and they already know that they are different to many here on earth. They do not make out that they are any different from others or try to say they are special in anyway. They are happy to just be and enjoy their life and their surroundings. Parents are also recognising that their own children are different and are more advanced now than they were when they were children and seem to prefer to play with more modern technology toys than creating models and playing fantasy games. They are more advanced and seem to adapt and learn quickly regardless of their surroundings which will usually lead the child to boredom very quickly once they have mastered whatever they have been working on.
Children have a tendency to rely on their intuition while in the early stages of learning and will sense when they are in danger even if it may look like they are to an adult they will venture out into the world without fear and engage fully with everything they encounter. Only upon learning for themselves will this re-enforce their own belief system even if they are told or warned they will still insist in discovering this for themselves. Children are more determined now to take control of their own lives and this is because they are to lead the way forward into the new energies. They have already been programmed with the vision of the future and understand that they are here to move the planet forward into this future despite any challenges they may face on the way. They have come here to re-unite the world together as one and to show the people of earth that there are still many positive things to look forward to in life. They give love unconditionally and live in the now regardless of what is happening all around them. They bring with them the joy and peace of the new earth and are gladly here to share it with all and remind them of their own inner child. This has been forgotten by many as they reach adulthood and they lose their way by the demands made on them by society and confirms that they have responsibilities towards others. They are controlled now by fear and the conditioning they have accepted as their own reality reflects this to them. Children are here now to remind us to take control of our own lives and to help us remember when we were children ourselves reminding us how simple life actually was and how we lived day to day enjoying the simple joys of life.
Children are being medicated for the many issues which have been identified by the medical profession as disorders in their behaviour. This has unfortunately been used and diagnosed by many health professionals as a means to control these children with an explanation to the parents that it is not normal for children to behave this way in today’s society and the only way to get them to become normal and conform to the rules they are expected to follow is to administer them with medication to keep them calm and to stop them from distracting the rest of society. They don’t actually tell you that there are other reasons why these children are reacting this way and you are not at liberty to ask as the medical profession and the government are in charge of the situation and dealing with it. The medication that is given to the children is actually slowing them down and masking their true thoughts and feelings. If the children take this medication for a prolonged period it will assist in shutting down their psychic gifts and abilities they have and prevent them from helping the planet to move forward into the new energy. The children will not remember what it is they are here to do and will eventually end up like the majority of people on the planet conforming to the will of others through fear and conditioning. The way to help these children is to allow them to develop their innate abilities while supporting them emotionally and putting in routines and boundaries for them to follow within their daily life. They are very sensitive to the earth and the surrounding energies and they do not understand that they are actually picking up and tuning into to other peoples energies and energies within their environment. They are overloaded at times which react in their physical bodies. They need to learn to release these energies and ground. Physical exercise is important for these children as this will help to ground their energy and stabilise them. Other activities which can assist your children are meditation, yoga and martial arts. Meditation will help the children to access their higher self and intuition which will offer support and guidance during their childhood allowing them to understand their true purpose of their incarnating on earth at this time. Martial arts, yoga or any form of holistic wellbeing will offer balance and stability within their body helping to disperse any excess energy they have contained in their body. Children need to release any build up of energy from their bodies or they will become hyperactive as the body struggles to contain this energy. Daily exercise will benefit these children greatly who seem to have trouble expelling their excess energy. Do not medicate your children in an attempt to calm them down and contain their physical energy. The medication is not helping your children it is actually blocking their inherited gifts and abilities. Introduce daily exercise and teach them to eat healthy foods which are necessary to help them stabilise. This will be a much more beneficial solution to addressing their symptoms rather than trying to change them with medication which will ultimately control and condition them against their own freewill. Children are not able to say no to this medication and they trust you as their peers that this is the correct thing to do in order to be accepted and to be normal like everyone else. You do have a choice to take responsibility on behalf of your children and teach them the healthier options that are available to them.
The children are also sensitive to the chemicals and food they digest and as we are eating more processed foods which are full of additives and preservatives when they are consumed they are affecting the body causing intolerances and illnesses related to the stomach and digestive tract. The food has become less nutritional over the years as it has been modified and genetically grown to help produce larger quantities and to enable to store the food for longer periods. It has not been disclosed that the other main reason for this is by controlling the food you can also control the people and what they consume. It would be so easy for the government to introduce much healthier food if they wanted to and to increase the range of free from food that are safe from contamination at a more affordable price for all to purchase. We know that this will not happen for sometime but in the meantime the safest and healthiest food to consume is that which is grown naturally and has no additives or preservatives. This is hard to introduce to your children though when they want to eat the same as their friends and enjoy the food offered by the local takeaways and restaurants. It is still possible though to eat healthier when you actually think about what you are choosing without having to pay more for it. You only pay more for unhealthy food which is already prepared for your convenience.
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