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This is the second part in “The New Earth” series of channelled information which I received in April 2014.

The New Earth – Channelled Information Part 2

All people are being given the opportunity to raise their vibrations and to transcend into the new energy which is being introduced to earth. There are some whom will not wish to continue into the new earth and will remain in this life and eventually return to source. If you do choose to go forward then you will need to raise your vibration in order to continue living on the earth and this is a gradual process which has been happening for some time but is now speeding up as we reach the crucial time on this planet as it is in need for a new energy to replace the old and worn out structures which no longer serve purpose to the people of earth. Your vibrations will be raised gradually and this will happen automatically without too much distress to yourself. It is not a painful process but it can have some effects on your emotions. The cause for this can be for various reasons but the main cause for many is due to your own vibrations changing at various different times to that of your friends and family. This can lead to misunderstandings and feelings that you don’t belong anymore or fit in with them. You may also find that you desire different friends, hobbies and interests especially in a spiritual context. This is perfectly normal and it will adjust once you have completed raising your vibrations. There are no set time limits to this process and it will be down to your own individual awareness as to whether this is a quick and easy transition or a longer more drawn out process if you resist you may find it difficult to adjust.

The first thing to acknowledge is that it is a safe and pain free experience although you may think you are going insane at first and are unable to speak to anyone about your thoughts or feelings just in case they may not understand you or try to convince you your own thoughts and feelings maybe incorrect. Please do not worry you are not going insane but if you do believe that you are having any thoughts or feelings which appear to be suicidal or having thoughts of harming yourself or another then please seek medical advice.

You will become more in tune with your body and your own intuition and will also have a greater understanding for your friends and family and will have a calmer more relaxed attitude towards life in general.

You will continue to show more compassion to others and you will become less judgemental of other people and have an acceptance to life. You will be more focused on your true spiritual path.

Once you begin the process of raising your vibration you will be aware that something is different within yourself even though at first you may not really know what it is. You may think it relates to your personal life and events which are occurring outside of your life among friends and family. When you do realise that in fact you are beginning this process you may feel very confused and have many mixed emotions. Some of you will be quite happy with this new energy you are experiencing while others will feel quite emotional and some may even feel depressed as the body adjusts to the new vibrations. It can affect you physically and may have an impact on your body if you are eating and drinking lower vibrational foods and beverages. The only way to help you if you are experiencing these issues is to remove these substances from your diet. You may be able to re-introduce them back into your diet once you have completed the process of raising your vibrations to the new energy but this is not always possible.

Many people are having difficulty at this time with their dietary needs and have discovered after many years that they are now intolerant to certain foods and are more sensitive to chemicals and substances. They are not actually aware that the connection to these intolerances is connected to the vibrational shift on this planet. The reason for this is that certain foods are denser and not compatible with the higher frequency of energy. You will find in the future that the diet we will follow will have a more vegetarian range with little meat if any. Some will refrain from food in the future and only live on breath alone as the body will not require food for nourishment.

Food will become more natural with little or no additives in the future and we will revert back to the times when food was eaten in its basic form without additives and preservatives. The processed foods will still be available but purchased in less quantities than they are now. People will want to grow their own food and spend time eating foods related to the seasons which are grown naturally and available during different times throughout the year. The many factories that produce fast foods will be converted into other factories which will aid distributing fresher natural produce.

Energy will play a big part in our society in the future and we will gain greater understanding of how it actually works and what purpose it serves the planet when we are operating on this new vibration as it will affect the planet and our technology in many different ways. Some things which have not yet been discovered will be able to progress forward once we have reached this new level and some of the ways in which we use certain fuels and resources will become limited as new technology advances and makes way for more healthier environmental friendly energies which will be discovered and introduced into the future. There will be a blending of both new and old resources keeping things which are practical and making way for future progress for things that are not that are still required to be replaced.

Spirituality will become more acceptable worldwide and people will understand that religion and spirituality are two separate concepts. People will still follow their religions and have their own belief systems but they will also have a more acceptable understanding of what being spiritual means and will be more open to holistic treatments for the human body in the future. There are already certain cultures and religions who already utilise these concepts already but more will follow in the future. There may also be a greater understanding of how these religions are all one in the future but have just been interpreted differently depending upon the peoples culture and society in which they were living within.

Astrology plays a large part in your lives and it is also another reason why the planet is able to raise its vibration at this time. The planets are also included in the vibrational shift and many astrologers are reporting these changes as they are aware of what has been occurring for some time and can now also understand what is meant by the positioning of the planets surrounding the earth and how these are having an impact on the earth as they progress on their individual path.

When you start to look around in your own surroundings and observe who and what you actually attract into your life you will see all the things you have actually created and this is your own reality. Each person has their own reality and will live to what they actually believe to be their own truth. Each and every thought you have actually creates your own world that you live in and when you have out grown certain things in your life you will gain new things to replace that which no longer has purpose for you. This is also true to say that the level of your own vibration will attract into your life what is vibrating at a similar frequency so when we are vibrating at a lower level then we will attract things which are of the same frequency. If you wish to change this then you must raise your vibration. This can be done by thinking positively and by being joyful. If you do the opposite and think negatively thinking of sadness then this will lower your vibrations. So to raise your vibrations you must think positively. This is impossible to do constantly as we have many thoughts each and every minute of the day but when you are actually aware of your thoughts this will help you to remain in a higher vibration. As the planet earth has so many negative things happening and many people on earth are very negative about the future and have little to be positive about at this time it is actually having a major impact to everything and this is the reason why it is important at this time to remain positive as the more people who remain positive creates an increase in the higher vibration of energy which will help to bring about the vibrational shift on the planet much easier.

You will always have a choice of how you wish to be in this world and if you choose to stay with the lower energies then you will find that your life will always seem to be a struggle as you block what should come easy to you. You will always seem to be fighting for just the basic needs in your life. Everything will be an effort to achieve the smallest of things and you will always be chasing after whatever you believe you want but never actually getting it. This is like you are pushing up the river in your boat battling against the current of life. Unaware that you will never make it to your destination and as you are trying so hard to get there you will be faced with many other obstacles as they are going in the opposite direction from you but you are not able to avoid them as you continue to struggle up stream. You may dodge a few bits of debris along the way but you will find it almost impossible to avoid everything as when you miss one obstacle another is already inward bound heading straight at you. The best advice you could actually listen to right now and follow would be to just turn your boat around and go in the direction of the stream which you have been trying to paddle up against. You will find that this will be much easier to handle as soon as you let go of the oars and just allow the stream to gently take you with the flow of the water at a nice slow pace. The debris which was obstructing you on your uphill struggle is now gently floating down stream just passing you by not causing you any worries or concerns. You may encounter a few little minor currents along the way but you will find these easy to manoeuvre as they have a more natural pace and you can approach them much easier as you see them appear.

As you raise your vibrations to the new energy this will give you much more assistance and advantage of travelling down the stream as from this point of view it will be like having a larger stream with a bigger wider view sitting in a much sturdier boat which will protect you from any unwanted debris. You will have a greater understanding about your journey and the chosen path you have elected to take. You will be able to see clearly and evaluate the direction of your life with enough time to change what you no longer desire if you so chose. You will be able to slow down and actually enjoy the experience without the need to rush ahead wondering what is around the next bend as you will know that what is meant for you will eventual be known and that it will not pass you by as you will eventual reach whatever it may be as you sail downstream to your destiny.

The new energy will be a positive change for the earth and yourself as you will have great advantage over the decisions you will be able to make knowing that you truly can create your own world and you have the power to manifest anything you truly desire just by your thought alone. It has been said by many already and has been announced to all in every different language known that you have the power to cosmic order anything you want just by your own imagination. Some have already seemed to master this and have made their fortune or have ordered their perfect soul mate. Others however have been trying for years and don’t appear to get anywhere. They think that they must be doing it all wrong and continue to invest time and money purchasing books and materials to guarantee their success. Yes it is true that it is your actual thoughts that produce your reality but it is also your belief system that has an impact on your life also as you may indeed order something you desire but unless you actually believe you are worthy of what you want or desire then you will cancel it just as soon as you have requested it by your own sabotaging beliefs.


Part 3 Coming Soon.


If you would like further assistance or guidance with your own personal journey then please contact me via Facebook or crystalauratherapies.co.uk.