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This is the third part in “The New Earth” series of channelled information which I received in April 2014.
The New Earth – Channelled Information Part 3.
Lessons – Karma – Soul Groups
You do decide what you intend to experience in this life and you may have all that you desire but there are also lessons which have been agreed for you to experience while you live your life and if these lessons are part of your plan to experience certain pain and suffering then you will experience these regardless. You may have all the riches in the world but you may have to experience poverty so you may actually be stripped away from your riches during your life so that you may know what it is like to experience this. There are karmic connections also which will be repaid during your life regardless of how you may deem these to be. They do actually serve a purpose and have no regard to how they are perceived as there is no good or bad karma. It is to be repaid to allow you to free yourself from previous contracts you have had with other souls. Some karma will repeat over several lifetimes as the lessons will be carried over if they are not repaid.
This will lead into the next subject what is asked by many and this is to do with soul groups and people you incarnate with over many lives. This has been discussed by many in the past and several people have given their own interpretation on this subject. It is indeed a very interesting subject and although it is something else which is hard to prove it does actually happen. There are indeed many soul groups and there are some which are connected to other groups over many lifetimes. You may encounter many people during your life who are actually part of your soul group. Your immediate family are part of your soul group and most significant people who enter your life to help guide you through your path. They may seem familiar to you as you meet them during the course of your life. Some will only know you briefly why others will play a major role within your life especially if you have past life karma with them. If you experience people in your life who do seem to be familiar to you and you feel like you have known them before even upon first meeting them then this is most likely to be a past life connection and they will be part of your soul group. You will learn during the course of your time with these people what their role will be with you in your life. Some will be to teach you lessons while other may be for support in times of need. There are many reasons why you have these people in your life but you will only understand their role when it is time to do so if you are not already aware as they will indeed serve a purpose within your life. When you no longer need them or they have finished serving their purpose they will step out of your life. Imagine if they did not you would be inundated with many people in your life and confused about your life purpose and which people would be significant to you. Even the most famous people in the world only have a select few who they know are their significant people they have constantly in their life.
You are never alone in your life and have a constant connection with the spirit world. Some may find this hard to believe and feel alone and isolated at times without anyone to talk with. They yearn to have a sense of belonging to another and when they don’t they feel as though they are completely alone feeling isolated and not loved by anyone. This is hard to believe that you are not alone but we are actually all connected and when you can understand this then you will feel happy regardless of being in company of others or in isolation as you accept that you are one with everything and have no need to have another person to mirror back to you your own acceptance.
Everyone has their own beliefs which are usually made up with several aspects depending on what they have been exposed to during their lives. This is because of the different religions and cultures and the many personalities blended together in a variety of different combinations. This is why you are all unique and have your own personality and belief system which will change and develop depending on what you choose to concentrate your focus on. The more you study certain aspects within your life will have an impact on you and change your belief system. If you are open minded and can accept that there are no right or wrong answers just your reality which determines your outlook on life then you will find life easier to digest and you will find that the more knowledge you obtain will gain you greater understanding of your own thoughts and beliefs which you can then alter to a more desirable outcome. If however you are very rigid in your outlook and do not take to change very easily then it will take you all of your efforts to accept the present circumstances you find yourself in and will take much more time to find solutions to your daily problems. You will also take on other people’s views as your own as you will lack the ability to think clearly for yourself. You will wander aimlessly back and forth between your current friends and family asking for their opinions and advice which will not be the solution that your own divine spirit will agree with and you will prolong your own anxiety. The solution to most of life’s troubling times and situations you find yourself in are of course created by your own thoughts and belief system so the answer also lies with you as the advice you seek elsewhere is not your own reality therefore you must learn to trust what you already know and feel inside your own mind. The answer is usually screaming at you but you choose to ignore your own advice and inner knowing while you continue to ask more and more people their opinion with the hope that a miraculous solution will materialise before you as if by magic. Sometimes you feel that this is too hard for you and that you have not got the strength or determination to carry on with your life and feel like it is an uphill battle or that there is no light at the end of the tunnel but if you just stop for a moment and truly let yourself be heard then you will find that you already have everything you need and that by just living in the now you will be able to relax and enjoy life as it slows down. After all life is a journey and before you realise that you are in full control it is nearly over and too late to return to experience it all over again. You only get to come this way once on this life time you are currently living and you are not able to go back when you realise that you now understand what it is all about. It’s not actually a race to see how quickly you get to the end. You do not win a prize at the end of your life but you get to go back to source to view your progress you have made. The whole point to this life is to learn your lessons on the way. This is why it is so important to enjoy the journey as this is the main purpose to your life not the end result. So many of you misunderstand this and race ahead through life wanting and wishing for things you believe you want only to find this is not so and then you continue to want and wish for other things instead. You only need to sit down and actually take time on deciding what it is you want before you ask for it and the big question then is do you really want what you have asked for? Are you sure this is what you want or is it because you think you have to have it? This is usually because you have been conditioned into thinking you must behave in a certain way and follow in your families footsteps so to speak. You are an individual and you have your own life to lead not your families. You are here in your own right to live the life you have chosen to live and yes you are to completely enjoy the experience along the way as this is the whole point of being here experiencing all your physical, emotional feelings, thoughts and sensations the human body is able to experience.
When you do raise your vibrations to the new energy you will experience a whole lot more than you do now and it is important to be able to understand the basics of life now so that you can actually transition into the new energy much more easily and allow the new gifts and abilities you will gain to truly accelerate your life into the new dimension. You will have access to much more information and you will have the ability to live in the moment much more easily than you do now allowing you to experience much more love and joy between your communities.
You will find that you will have different modalities available to you. Just like now there are many who have accessed their other senses already and are said to be psychic or gifted but you are all able to access these senses if you so choose. They are yours to use whenever you choose but sadly for most of you the ability has been lost and buried deep within your subconscious mind due to early conditioning and belief systems you learned during your childhood. The few that have retained these abilities have usually been raised in families which this is deemed acceptable and part of their culture or belief system. This is part of who you are and a natural part of your life, culture and inheritance from your ancestors.
Many of you have had early experiences regarding accessing your abilities with no knowledge or understanding and have been scared with what you have witnessed. As you have not been able to speak openly of such things you have adapted the ability to shut out and close down the doorway connecting to the astral planes and the spiritual world. Some however are fully aware of this and choose to turn away from their abilities either out of fear and lack of knowledge or because you have been led to believe that such things are evil. This is usually down to fear of the unknown by the many which influence you and your beliefs. Over the past few years more and more people are finally speaking out about their own experiencing and are said to be having some kind of re-awakening. This is happening on a large scale now and more people are now connecting with others whom are experiencing similar occurrences within their own lives. They are seeking out information and like minded people who understand what is actually happening to them and can help them to come to acceptance that this is the new energy available now on earth and to each and everyone on the planet at this time. Technology is also helping many to connect all over the world at this time assisting people on a much wider scale than ever before possible. There are however still corrupt organisations and individuals who are exploiting this shift towards the new energy for their own personal gains and trying to deceive people and prevent them from learning the truth about the new energy and the reasons behind the changes for the earth and the people living here at this time.
There will be many articles and information released about this time and some will be most beneficial to you as you transcend into the new energy while others unfortunately will try to lead you astray and prevent you from following your true path to enlightenment. This has always been spoken of in the past and referred to in many religious scriptures and by many organisations believing in their own truths about the world in which we live and how we will progress or falter depending on what path we choose to follow. This is not about religion or what beliefs you have about following the correct path so you remain true in the eyes of your god it is about your own spiritual path and your own personal journey to enlightenment. This is achieved by learning many lessons during many lifetimes on earth. It is only now that this process has been allowed to progress much quicker than ever before so that you may learn at a much faster pace and actually be allowed to retain this information which will halt further destruction to earth by the few that desire to control it for themselves. This is a free world and it should remain to be free for all to progress on their spiritual path without fear and corruption or of being controlled and restricted from your freedom. You have freewill to choose your own pathway to experience all aspects of human existence is whichever way you decide and to accept responsibility for your own decisions whatever they may be.
Soul contracts are decided upon before you enter your new life on earth after you have reviewed previous lives and reassessed what it is you wish to learn in your next incarnation. There will be one main contract which involves your soul life purpose and the reason for incarnating at this time. There will also be other lessons which will involve members of your soul group. This could be previous lessons you failed to achieve or understand or it can even be role reversal in which you act out a different aspect of your life in a different role from that in which you previously agreed. This does incur karma and many do not wish to repeat the same circumstances in the next incarnation so they will agree to have a written contract with the understanding that they will be given the opportunity to correct their previously earned karma during this incarnation. This does not always prove to be successful as there is freewill involved with all concerned and can at times cause much pain and suffering without consciously being aware of the reasons why. This is happening in a much larger scale on the earth at this time as many are trying to clear all their karma before they progress into the new energy. Once all karma has been cleared you are then free to continue on your soul contract if you desire and as you do so your life will become relatively easier as you will have a full understanding of what karma you have resolved. You will be given the answers to the questions regarding your karma only when it is needed to fully understand the full purpose of the situation you feel stuck in. You will be shown the truth of the situation as it is necessary so as to work through whatever is needed to free you from your past karma which will also free all involved. You can of course refuse to work through your karma but you will fail as it has been set up to be encountered regardless and events will be steered on course so that you will be given the opportunity to address it. You will be compelled to complete this as you will be overwhelmed by the feelings and emotions linked with your karma and not understand why until you are already in the middle of the drama being played out. If you do not clear and complete the lesson then it will be presented to you again until you finally get the message and deal with it. You can run away from your karma but you cannot hide indefinitely. Some people try to ignore what they truly feel and have not understood that in order to be completely free to move on in their life they must confront their biggest fears. Once they do that they wonder why they took so long to take the plunge to work through their own fears which they created blocking their pathway to freedom as they did not have the courage to take the first step needed. If you believe you have done all you can in resolving your karmic debts and are being prevented by another from continuing forward with your life then you may ask that this is cancelled and you can say that you no longer wish to be part of this and cancel your contract.
Part 4 Coming Soon.
If you would like further assistance or guidance with your own personal journey then please contact me via Facebook or crystalauratherapies.co.uk.