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But If You Really Love Me You Would…
Have you ever played the game of always being treated the same? No matter what you do, it’s never good enough from you. You work so hard to show your love, doing everything you could. To keep your other, a perfect lover, so they would love and respect you. No matter how hard you try, they keep wanting more and more.
You think to yourself, where is their love that they seem to hide. Surely it’s in there, but they never really show it. You believe that one day soon, they will tell you that they love you, or how much you mean to them. But this never happens and you miss all the signs. That they will never give you their love so you continue on, loving blind. They keep their own love just for themselves. You’re trapped in a cycle as though nothing will divide you. They want you to stay until the bitter end.
But it’s time for you to wake up and see. That this is actually just a cycle called co-dependency. When you come to realise that it’s time to break free, you make plans to leave. You now know you’re looking for a new love. One that you know you deserve, as now you see your own self-worth. You know there is someone else just waiting, ready to really love you.
You’re completely unaware that the cycle will repeat until you can heal and let go. If you continue to live in the old way, you will always be stuck and never really be whole. It’s a template you see that you have learned. When you were young, you were led to believe that this is what, real love is. No one explained that this is really a pattern that you have learned, and it’s called co-dependency.
So now you know what is wrong, you can start to heal yourself. Take time for you and love yourself first, this is the way to completely fix you. When you have increased your own self-worth, and can actually love yourself first, you will then see it’s just a matter of time, until you meet someone new, who has the same qualities as you. You now know how to attract the most perfect match for you, who will always be independent but love just like you.
You have come to realise by now that love is all around. The secret you see is to let it flow, never controlling where it should go, or how it should be between you and another. Respect the love however it goes, and allow the process then, who knows. You may be surprised at how much love you can feel, but knowing that this time, it’s definitely real.
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