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Sometimes in Life… Being an Empath.

Sometimes in life, I find it hard to speak. I don’t always know what to say. Sometimes in life, I feel a little sad and often just want to cry. Sometimes though, I’m full of joy, laughing and joking or even singing a song. Sometimes I never know how to feel, I can get confused at what’s really real. Is this me I am feeling now? It’s hard when you’re an empath, especially in a crowd. It can get so confusing with everybody’s thoughts, when you soak them all up, just like a sponge. Thinking you’re crazy or losing your mind, as you hear all the chatter going around and around in your head…
But after a while, you come to learn, how to discern what is yours, and what is not! You may be so sensitive that you just start to cry, as you hear a sad story from someone passing by. You can get so emotional with the slightest little thing, or even quite hysterical and laugh at everything. But after a while you accept this gift within, you find yourself more compassionate for everyone you meet. You’ve learned how to become detached, you’ve learned to become more discreet. You still pick up on every little thing from the people that you meet as you go about your day, but now you have learned to put your barriers up, so it doesn’t affect you in the same way.
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