What Comes Next?
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. What comes next? We spend so much time looking for the next answer... the next experience or the next solution...
Rescue Me
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Rescue Me Rescue me from this cruel world... Trapped in this reality feeling sad and blue. Won't someone please...
Happy Place
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Happy Place I'm off to my “Happy Place” that's just for me... This is where I can be by myself, happy and free,...
The New Earth Energy Book Two
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. The New Earth Energy Book Two - The Council of Twelve This is the second channelled book within "The New Earth -...
Everything Within…
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Everything Within... I am currently in the process of channelling “The New Earth Energy Book 2” which I hope to...
Thinking of You…
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Thinking of You... Thinking of you is all I do, I wonder how you are. I miss you each and every day. You always...
Pure Happiness…
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Pure Happiness... Happiness can be expressed in so many ways... From just a little smile to a great big grin...
Journey of Life…
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Journey of Life... Imagine if you saw a poster advertising life and the experience it promises... What would...
Feeling Lonely…
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Feeling Lonely... Sometimes the world can feel like a lonely place... You can feel all alone even when you are...
Being Me…
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Being Me... If I could be anyone I choose to be I know I would still be me... I love myself in so many ways and...
Act of Kindness.
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Act of Kindness. A simple act of kindness can go a very long way... We have no idea how much our acts of kindness can...
Search for Truth.
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Search for truth. We spend our days searching... For ways to improve our health, our wealth, our life, looking...
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Smile. Have you ever noticed when you smile, others seem to smile too... It can make them feel happy when they...
Pure Love.
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Pure Love. Is there such a thing as pure love...? As children, we are very open to life. We live in the now moment and...
Lovely Day…
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Lovely Day... (Social Media) Good morning to you... Have a lovely day. Is the greeting we most welcome to...
Lock Down…
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Lock Down... What day is it today I hear myself say as I wake up in the morning to yet another day... Back, in...
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Imagine... Here's a little poem I thought I would share... Nothing, in particular, comes to my mind. Just my...
Heart-Centred Awakening.
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Heart-Centred Awakening. When we begin to awaken our hearts... The activation starts from within. We have no...
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Happiness... Happiness is a feeling of pure joy, created from within our own hearts... It can be expressed by...
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Dreamland... As I lie in my bed and gently drift off to sleep... I float off up into the sky on a big fluffy cloud, as...