by client-user | Apr 6, 2021 | Empowering You, Poetry
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Growing Up… When you are young and growing up people tend to ask you what you are going to do. You dream of everything you wish to be. An astronaut, a pilot, maybe someone famous on TV. I’m going to be famous when I grow up,...
by client-user | Apr 5, 2021 | Empowering You, Health & Wellbeing
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Give Thanks… Whatever you experience in life remember to give thanks & gratitude… We all learn by our experiences even though some may be considered negative or more challenging. There is always something positive to be...
by client-user | Apr 4, 2021 | Empowering You, Health & Wellbeing
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Feeling in the Dark… If you are in the dark feeling lost. Thinking life is against you. Remember… Try to remain positive. Stay strong. There will be light again. It’s just a process you’re going through. Crystal Therapy &...
by client-user | Apr 3, 2021 | Empowering You, Health & Wellbeing
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Do You Know Someone… You probably all know someone in your life who wants you to do all the hard work. To find out all the secrets to having a happy successful life, and then inform them for free so they don’t need to make the effort...
by client-user | Apr 2, 2021 | Empowering You, Quotes
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Authentic Self… Don’t you find being yourself is so easy. It only becomes hard when you try to be someone else. Follow your own path. Do what makes you happy. Follow your own authentic life. Crystal Therapy & One-to-One...
by client-user | Apr 1, 2021 | Empowering You, Health & Wellbeing
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Fitting In… When you try to fit in with everyone else. But you know deep down that is not who you truly are. Be honest with yourself. Do what is right for you. Break free… It may feel wrong at first. You may even...