by client-user | Mar 31, 2021 | Empowering You, Health & Wellbeing
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Me Time… When you take time out to have some “me” time. You get to find out how wonderful you actually are. You get to experience the things you actually like to do. You get to appreciate what makes you happy. Too much of...
by client-user | Mar 30, 2021 | Empowering You, Quotes
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Shades of Grey… Not everything in life is as it first seems… Open your mind to all possibilities… See all the shades of grey. Crystal Therapy & One-to-One Sessions are available. If you require further guidance...
by client-user | Mar 29, 2021 | Empowering You, Quotes
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. You Choose… Nothing in life is a mistake, happens by chance, a coincidence, good or bad, right or wrong or however else you wish to describe it. Everything you experience in life was already chosen by you. You just don’t...
by client-user | Mar 28, 2021 | Empowering You, Health & Wellbeing
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Interaction… When you become aware that everyone you interact with within your life is actually here to help you progress on your path, remember to give thanks to them for being part of your experience. Even the most difficult...
by client-user | Mar 27, 2021 | Empowering You, Health & Wellbeing
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Be Happy… Live your life the way you want to… Do the things that make you happy! We spend too much time trying to figure things out in our life. Instead of just being happy living in the now. Don’t be afraid to be who you...
by client-user | Mar 25, 2021 | Empowering You, Health & Wellbeing
Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Living in the Moment… Living in the moment allows you to fully engage in life. There is no need to look back to the past. The past has gone. The future does not exist. You create your future by what you do in each & every...