Authentic Self.

Authentic Self.

Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Be Your Authentic Self… Open Your Heart… Keep Shining Your Light… Live your life the way you want to… Do the things that make you happy! We spend too much time trying to figure things out in our life. Instead of...
Limiting Beliefs…

Limiting Beliefs…

Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Limiting Beliefs… Do you still hold onto limiting beliefs? Are you comfortable in your daily routine unable to accept change? Does everyone else seem to change around you while you stay the same? Do you know that by making gradual...
Inside Job…

Inside Job…

Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. Inside Job… You probably all know someone in your life who wants you to do all the hard work. To find out the secrets to having a happy successful life, and then inform them for free so they don’t need to make the effort and...
Thought for the Day.

Thought for the Day.

Welcome to CrystalAura Blog.   Thought For The Day… How many times do you fail to notice how much you have to offer the world? (Probably… Every day!) Do you compare yourself to others, or think they are better than you? (Probably…Every day!) Do...
How to be Successful.

How to be Successful.

Welcome to CrystalAura Blog. How to Be Successful… I know I’m probably not the only person who is constantly being bombarded every day by adverts & people telling you how to become successful, how to succeed in life, with their amazing online...