Welcome to CrystalAura therapies.

Distance Crystal Therapy

Distance crystal therapy is a non evasive holistic treatment which I use when you (the client) are not present. I do this by placing a photograph of you on my sending device. I conduct a full assessment at the beginning of the treatment which includes chakra balancing, aura cleansing, meridians, crystal wand deep healing and crystal grid work. I also work with colour and include colour therapy within the treatment if required. I intuitively select the crystals and place them in various grid layouts on my device. The energies from the crystals are then directly sent to you via the sending device. The crystals gently resolve and release any issues or blocks you may be experiencing and help to restore balance to all aspects of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.

The distance crystal therapy treatment usually takes approximately 2 hours but can be longer in some circumstances depending on your individual needs. Some of the crystal grids I use can sometimes require a longer amount of time to complete. In some cases, it can be several days or weeks which is not unusual for the type of therapy I offer which is still included in the price of the therapy. There is no additional cost for the length of time it may take to complete the treatment. I will inform you if you require a longer treatment and monitor your progress throughout the duration of the therapy.

Upon completion of your treatment, you will receive a full written report usually within two days if not sooner and included any recommendations if necessary. If you would like further information about your treatment once completed then this can be arranged or alternatively if you have included a one-to-one session with your therapy then a more in-depth update can be given during the session. This can be agreed at the time of your booking and scheduled at an appropriate time for you.

Please note 
There is no set amount of treatments required to begin feeling the benefit from crystal therapy although some issues or blocks may require further treatments if they are more severe or deep-seated issues.  Distance crystal therapy does not replace traditional medicine.

Please contact me if you require any further information or wish to schedule a therapy.

Price List & Options

Distance crystal therapy, full treatment and a written report = £50.00
Crystal treatment combined with a 30 minute one-on-one session = £80.00
Crystal treatment combined with a 1 hour one-on-one session = £110.00
Further crystal therapy treatments and a written report = £50.00
Follow up sessions = £25.00

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Contacting CrystalAura therapies.

07834 592 279

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